Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Day 76, Happy Tiara Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Sunday night before going to sleep, 1. I have been asking to be revealed my "highest potential", which I was inspired by a video from the gal who owns the web real estate, http://www.soaringhighwitheagles.com to ask, and 2. I also asked Lakshmi to answer a question for me.  

Here's one of the awesome things I've been enjoying about this 100 day "odd-I-see" (odyssey): the ability to be open to receiving answers in ways I may not have expected them to be revealed.

Monday morning my man and I were watching a Colbert Report repeat with Brian Cox.

You know Dr. Colbert (if you watch) is usually helping someone pimp their latest book and give their book what is now known as the Colbert bump.  Worked on me.

Here's the book:

Dr. Colbert also did this schtick where his now self was playing with a fork in a toaster, (which we all no is a fatal no-no) when his 500 years in the future self shows up and quickly takes over for the dying present day Dr. Colbert to ensure the 500 years in the future Colbert will still exist.  And it got me thinking.

How much of what we do, say, think, feel motivates ourselves or keeps ourselves from doing something; because we are afraid what it will mean to our future self?

When if the truth is that ultimately our future self is our Higher (dare I say "highest"?) Self and we are technically eternal and undestructable (at least our soul); then what is there to fear about our future self by what we do in the present moment except that this is the way we have set it up for ourselves by misguided thoughts, beliefs and feelings?

What if we knew we could not harm ourself EVER?  What if we knew that nothing about us could ever mean we could be or ever are separate from love?  I mean isn't that what a lot of our fear stems from and a lot of our motivation too?  We are afraid if we don't do x, y or z that we will be unlovable and shunned, so we do x, y or z even if we don't really want to.

Love is who we are.  It is the very definition of the very essence of energy that makes up who we are.  And that energy is divine.  It must be, if everything is divine.

So if you knew all of this and you operated from this place, wouldn't this take a huge burden from you of worrying that some how, some way, some thing you do or say or feel or think could make you unlovable?  Or that you had nothing to fear about who you will be as your future self because you know you are eternal and divine?

Wouldn't this free you up and a lot of your stuck energy?  Wouldn't you feel much lighter and a lot less worried about "stuff" and/or yourself?

I'm not going to suppose to answer those questions for you.  All I can say is that I didn't realize how much I had been projecting fear into my future self and in the process effecting what I would or would not allow myself to enjoy in the present moment.  And this realization, especially knowing I don't have to do this anymore, sure made my day.

I feel lighter and like I opened the door to my heart that much more for love to flow through in a much bigger way.  I feel like that deserves a big "whoo hoo"!

Whoo hoo!

Also, thanks to Lakshmi, the Universe, Stephen Colbert, Brian Cox and my man for playing a role in bringing me this awesome answer.

Whoo hoo!

Sunday, November 1, 2009

Day 74, Happy All Saints Day, Sunday, November 1, 2009

I've Never Felt So Ugly!

One of my niece's really had me going as her and her sisters broadcasted via Facebook how sexy she was looking in her Halloween costume and how she was going to drive all the men at work wild, etc.  Only later to find via picture and comment she'd dressed up like Ugly Betty proclaiming, "I've never felt so ugly!"

Now maybe she really didn't feel ugly and it was simply a play on words since she'd dressed up as Ugly Betty.  Yet, my mind went to a place where it thought about how technically in the eyes of divine love we are beautiful unconditionally.  You know?  Without condition.  This means always and forever no matter how we may convince ourself we look ugly, Divine Love says truth is, "it just ain't so!"

So in a way it is as if ugly doesn't exist in divine mind since divine mind doesn't judge degrees of beauty or beautiful/ugly.  All is simply, equally, non-judged beautiful.

With this in mind I thought about how in a way it is almost as if the costume she donned had magical powers by affording it the ability to somehow change her from her beautiful self into something that is ugly.

It made me think do I really want to give something outside of myself that much power.  I know I have in the past.  I probably will again in the future.  What I hope is that if I find myself doing so in the future that I won't give into the power for long before I remember this Ugly Betty moment.

I believe it was Madonna during her Vogue period who sang, "Beauty is where you find it."  Well, this is me during the Ugly Betty period proclaiming in every Ugly Betty is the heart, mind and truth that she's really Beautiful Betty if she has the vision to see this is her truth.

Now that's divine!