Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Day 76, Happy Tiara Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Sunday night before going to sleep, 1. I have been asking to be revealed my "highest potential", which I was inspired by a video from the gal who owns the web real estate, http://www.soaringhighwitheagles.com to ask, and 2. I also asked Lakshmi to answer a question for me.  

Here's one of the awesome things I've been enjoying about this 100 day "odd-I-see" (odyssey): the ability to be open to receiving answers in ways I may not have expected them to be revealed.

Monday morning my man and I were watching a Colbert Report repeat with Brian Cox.

You know Dr. Colbert (if you watch) is usually helping someone pimp their latest book and give their book what is now known as the Colbert bump.  Worked on me.

Here's the book:

Dr. Colbert also did this schtick where his now self was playing with a fork in a toaster, (which we all no is a fatal no-no) when his 500 years in the future self shows up and quickly takes over for the dying present day Dr. Colbert to ensure the 500 years in the future Colbert will still exist.  And it got me thinking.

How much of what we do, say, think, feel motivates ourselves or keeps ourselves from doing something; because we are afraid what it will mean to our future self?

When if the truth is that ultimately our future self is our Higher (dare I say "highest"?) Self and we are technically eternal and undestructable (at least our soul); then what is there to fear about our future self by what we do in the present moment except that this is the way we have set it up for ourselves by misguided thoughts, beliefs and feelings?

What if we knew we could not harm ourself EVER?  What if we knew that nothing about us could ever mean we could be or ever are separate from love?  I mean isn't that what a lot of our fear stems from and a lot of our motivation too?  We are afraid if we don't do x, y or z that we will be unlovable and shunned, so we do x, y or z even if we don't really want to.

Love is who we are.  It is the very definition of the very essence of energy that makes up who we are.  And that energy is divine.  It must be, if everything is divine.

So if you knew all of this and you operated from this place, wouldn't this take a huge burden from you of worrying that some how, some way, some thing you do or say or feel or think could make you unlovable?  Or that you had nothing to fear about who you will be as your future self because you know you are eternal and divine?

Wouldn't this free you up and a lot of your stuck energy?  Wouldn't you feel much lighter and a lot less worried about "stuff" and/or yourself?

I'm not going to suppose to answer those questions for you.  All I can say is that I didn't realize how much I had been projecting fear into my future self and in the process effecting what I would or would not allow myself to enjoy in the present moment.  And this realization, especially knowing I don't have to do this anymore, sure made my day.

I feel lighter and like I opened the door to my heart that much more for love to flow through in a much bigger way.  I feel like that deserves a big "whoo hoo"!

Whoo hoo!

Also, thanks to Lakshmi, the Universe, Stephen Colbert, Brian Cox and my man for playing a role in bringing me this awesome answer.

Whoo hoo!

Sunday, November 1, 2009

Day 74, Happy All Saints Day, Sunday, November 1, 2009

I've Never Felt So Ugly!

One of my niece's really had me going as her and her sisters broadcasted via Facebook how sexy she was looking in her Halloween costume and how she was going to drive all the men at work wild, etc.  Only later to find via picture and comment she'd dressed up like Ugly Betty proclaiming, "I've never felt so ugly!"

Now maybe she really didn't feel ugly and it was simply a play on words since she'd dressed up as Ugly Betty.  Yet, my mind went to a place where it thought about how technically in the eyes of divine love we are beautiful unconditionally.  You know?  Without condition.  This means always and forever no matter how we may convince ourself we look ugly, Divine Love says truth is, "it just ain't so!"

So in a way it is as if ugly doesn't exist in divine mind since divine mind doesn't judge degrees of beauty or beautiful/ugly.  All is simply, equally, non-judged beautiful.

With this in mind I thought about how in a way it is almost as if the costume she donned had magical powers by affording it the ability to somehow change her from her beautiful self into something that is ugly.

It made me think do I really want to give something outside of myself that much power.  I know I have in the past.  I probably will again in the future.  What I hope is that if I find myself doing so in the future that I won't give into the power for long before I remember this Ugly Betty moment.

I believe it was Madonna during her Vogue period who sang, "Beauty is where you find it."  Well, this is me during the Ugly Betty period proclaiming in every Ugly Betty is the heart, mind and truth that she's really Beautiful Betty if she has the vision to see this is her truth.

Now that's divine!

Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Day 69, Tiara Tuesday, October 27, 2009

I must, must, must mention how great of a day for me (one of the best of my life so far) last Saturday, October 24th was.  I must give my Aunt Loretta most of the credit.  That foxy redhead.  Words can't even express.  The feelings are anchored in my heart.  And I must thank myself, her, everyone who was involved and all the love energy that came together (including my own...people we must remember if we aren't able to let love in and feel love and share love because we are keeping our hearts closed...things like this can't by Universal Law happen for us) I'm sure because I purposely have put it out to the Universe by participating in the 100-day open-heart challenge.

Okay, I'll say this.  My Aunt still may have had the party for me she did.  Everyone may still have shown up like they did.  However, since I technically only have control over me...I believe I would not have allowed myself to enjoy it as much as I did had I not been preparing myself to give and receive love more easily with this challenge.

Okay, thanks for reading this.  Now I feel like I have a couple of gifts that I desire to share with you that may help anyone who reads this with keeping their heart more open and able to give and receive love at a grander level than ever before.


I love these two Brad Yates videos.  Before seeing them, I had a time a bit ago where I realized that I was doing exactly what he mentions: withholding love from my body and myself because I wasn't yet what I felt I want to be.

While the above video is about having the sort of can't love my body until, the one below that Brad Yates did is about understanding regardless of what commercials or collective consciousness, etc., would like us to believe we have to believe is how we should determine our self-worth...our value is already guaranteed because we are divine and eternal.  Thank you so much Brad.

I also have an amazing friend, Emmanuel Dagher, who is an amazing heart full of love and has lots of things he has put out into the universe to help us remember how loved we are.  The below is what he calls his minute of transformation.  Here is the link to one of them.


To learn more about the powerful healing work you are receiving please visit


Emmanuel Dagher

Then there is Rebecca Marina.  The audio from the Lakshmi transmission she mentions in the following video is the one that rocked my world.

Be like a newborn baby and recieve and grow stronger.

If I could give you any suggestion about the Lakshmi audio, it would be to find a way to download it to something that allows you to listen to it while being in as relaxed a position as possible.

Wow!  And as I am writing all of this it almost makes me feel like I wish it was Thankful Thursday since I am realizing how many ways I am gifted love via all of these gifts I am sharing here.  I think one of the greatest gifts I am receiving from my 100 day challenge is how I am expanding my definition of what love is or what a gift is or how loved and blessed I am.  That I feel I had a huge belief that the one and only barameter of whether or not I am valuable or loved or worthy or anything like that is how much money I have.  While I would love more money, I can see that if that is all I focused on I would think I don't have a very great life.  And that would so not be true.  I am so grateful.

I know the last thing I want to share is tut.com is pretty well known in the spiritual circles.  Still, this particular letter from the Universe really inspires me.  So that is why I am sharing.  Enjoy!

I do believe, Lori, that if people would just start by saying "it's fun," when it seems hard; "I'm happy," when they seem sad; and "I know," when it seems as if they don't, they'd finally discover that it really is, they really are, and they always have.
Works for me,
    The Universe

Thursday, October 22, 2009

Day 64, Thursday, October 22, 2009

So...I had been feeling like I wasn't going to sign up for the below, which is a generous gift from Rebecca Marina and Lakshmi, as a way of saying to myself that I don't need it.  Yet, it had been nagging at me that I should just in case.

Then today, I was thinking if Lakshmi has a gift for me then I should very much want to receive it.  So, I decided to register.  

Here's what I think the good part is that made me desire to post this blog.

How many other gifts might I be keeping from me for whatever reason, one of which is feeling like I don't need it?  When did a gift become about need.  And I have been trying to be the voice of reminding my brother and sister children of Divine Love that giving and receiving are just as important...since one really can't give without their being another to receive.  As I've mentioned what if we were simply a world of givers.  There'd be no one willing to receive our gifts and then what's the point?

So, thank you to that wise part of myself that reminded me of this.  And Rebecca has asked for me to pass this info on in case there are any who read this that would like to participate.

#2. Goddess Lakshmi Live Energy Transmission

If you have not registered for the no-cost
Live Energy transmission from The Goddess Lakshmi,
please do so.
I am teaching this twice to allow more
people to join us.

This is the closest thing to helping you
“lay back and receive”
that I have ever
been guided to do.

Come and get your prosperity Blessings from
the Divine Mother and Lakshmi who is the
specialist in Abundance.

Oct 20 at 9 eastern
Oct. 24 at 4 Pm eastern
Read more…

Thank you, Lori, for being the
love that you are,
Blessings, Rebecca
PS_ Lori, if you have friends
who would enjoy this info- pleae pass
this along.

Monday, October 19, 2009

Day 61, Monday, October 19, 2009

So 25 years ago in a hospital in Fargo, North Dakota at approximately 6 AM, yours truly was admitted so I could birth my second son, Chris.  I didn't know he was going to be a boy.  My obstetrician said it was going to be a girl from the way I was carrying it.  My ex-hubby and I only had girl names picked out.  And so my wonderful son was born with no name except "Baby Boy Bjork".

I could have never guessed what our lives would be like 25 years later.  He is happy and healthy and in a way what more could I ask for. 

You may hear it a lot, but children tend to open your heart to a form of unconditional love that you never thought you would experience or could experience.  Both of my sons certainly were and are that for me. 

I will always be so appreciative to both of them for that.  What seems to be my challenge is loving me in that same sort of unconditional way I love them.  I celebrate any of their joys or creations as if they are the greatest thing since slice bread.  I always think they are cool and have great insights about life.  I always think they are beautiful and awesome and lovable.  Now if I can just do that for me.  And with this challenge I've been on since August 20th, I am.

And I have given myself a new 100 day challenge I started two days ago, October 16th.  It is to use the info from Dr. Chopra's book to transform and love my physical body more and incorporate it more into my flowing and glowing well-being life.

So, Happy Birthday to my son.  I love him very much.  And whoo hoo to me.

Friday, October 16, 2009

Day 58, Friday, October 16, 2009

How's this for synchro-destiny?  I've been hungrily reading Deepak Chopra's new book, Reinventing the Body, Resurrecting the Soul.  I've noticed lately that what seems to be unfolding in my life and questions I am asking are coming up at the same time I find Dr. Chopra is about to finish and publish a new book that answers my questions.  As for me and my physical body, this is perfect for me right now.  I feel a new personal challenge going on to practice what he teaches in his new book for the next 50 days.

At the same time just ten minutes before I found it on Facebook is Lilou's YouTube conversation with Dr. Chopra about the book.  Loved it!

You know what though?  It made me cry.  Cry because I find that I love myself enough to want to heal my stuck energy.  And cry because I have so much stuck energy in my body I've been carrying that I really didn't either want to be aware of or for whatever reason and it was like with this book I have given myself the permission to let it go.  Permission to be less hard on myself.  Permission to stop competing with the outer and understanding that it is really just me competing with something I can never win 'cuz I'll always change the bar or what the barometer is for winning.

Writing a blog called flowing and glowing well-being, I find reference in this book to following what he so eloquently shares I just know will surely enhance the flowing of well-being and my glowing with well-being in my life.  I am so grateful.

I also found it interesting how I am seeing so clearly the power of a decision.  For now I am going to leave it at that.

Okay, as I read over what I've written to this point just to make sure it doesn't sound too wacky, it occurred to me that I started the 100-day challenge with the same sort of excitement having just learned about ho'oponopono.  And I think the thing that can be frustrating about energy work is that we may not be able to immediately "see" in our physical experience how something might actually be beneficial for us.  So, (okay, I'll speak for myself) I tend to abandon it and move to something new and what must certainly be better and more effective.  Yet, as I lay on my bed doing one of the exercises that Dr. Chopra suggests, the awarness did come into my mind that what I was doing was similar to the "I love you. I'm sorry.  Please forgive me. Thank you." of ho'oponopono.

As you breathe in and simply the intention to reconnect with your physical body and live, love and enjoy more holistically (including your whole self in your experiences)...you are basically declaring to the ALL that you love yourself enough to do this for yourself.  As you continue to breathe in with the intent of the exhale releasing any stuck and discordant (not in harmony with divine love) energy while saying your are sorry to yourself for believing you are anything less than the truth of who you are...and as the "please forgive me?" is asked and love answers by bringing into play its cleaning solvent power which allows you to release this discordant energy and as you exhale you release this energy from your being, which Divine Love immediately replaces with divine love energy.  While the whole process can last mere seconds, it can feel as if you've left behind 10 pounds of discordant weight you've been carrying in your physical body.  And so the words "thank you" easily come to mind.

So, it's interesting how I can seemingly forget about ho'oponopono and then come back to its simplicity. 

I also got a kick out of seeing one of the books at Barnes and Noble...the new one by Sherri Shepard, titled Permission Slips.  It didn't make me necessarily want to read it...just that it is amazing what can happen when we give ourselves permission to decide and allow the answers to come.

I also love how it seems I am more aware how this process is helping me expand my definitions of what something included in meaning or how something needs to look.  I had an example, but it has slipped away.  I will simply then sign off now content to have reminded myself of this awareness. 

I love you.  Thank you.

allows love to be the only motivation for life.

Thursday, October 15, 2009

Day 57, Thankful Thursday, October 15, 2009

Aaaaaahhhhhh! It's another Thankful Thursday.  I certainly have a lot to be thankful for.  I have finally picked something I feel good about as a profession.  And I am trusting the universe and the advice from what I posted yesterday from Abraham to get me to my destination in first class fast.

I also feel like I just can't say it enough how much the 100 day challenge has helped to keep me focused on the importance of gaining more and more self love and helping me see how much I really hadn't been loving myself.  Thank you.

Now let's play.

Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Day 56, Wednesday, October 14, 2009

I've been away for a while.  Bad Bjork.
I had a mood meltdown on Sunday.  Bad Bjork.
I'm not where I want to be YET which seemed obvious compared to my sister.  Bad Bjork.
I could go on and on.  Bad Bjork.

Where is the love?

I am always amazed to get a glimpse of how much I really am unable to love myself right here and now based on outer conditions.

Yet love is the answer.  I have been psyched for Deepak Chopra's new book, Reinventing the Body Resurrecting the Soul, 'cuz I don't love my body the way it is.  And I've been convinced that the root cause is with our thoughts and feelings (consciousness).  So, I started reading the book yesterday, which is the first day it has been available in book stores in the U.S. 

Let's just say, read the book.  It is amazing the way Deepak Chopra is able to explain things in plain English.  Still, if you want the gist of what I've read so far: love is the answer.  Love right now.  There is scientific evidence that shows how our physiology can be physically morphed in an instant when it is exposed to more love.

I also love his mentioning baby steps.  Again, this brought me back to ho'oponopono.  Instead of seeking to get it done in one fell swoop, every day you love yourself a little more and love everything a little more.  And one of the biggest keys to transformation is awareness.  Now that I see how much I do self-loathe and how transforming it is to self-love, I can do more self-love.  Just to be clear, I equate flowing and glowing well-being with love. 

Of course, starting the 100-day open-heart challenge I knew going in it was about being more loving.  I feel what I am most surprised to find out is that I thought I was very loving.  And in many ways I am.  Let me just pat myself on the back for that.  In many ways I didn't realize, I am not.  I am revealing new levels to my self of ways that I have been unloving to my self.  Even to the extent that I question my love for something because I am worried someone else may think it is stupid I love it or something like that.

I made the choice to be a ProBlogger.  It seemed right in the moment.  Then later the second guessing comes in.  Why?  Why do I do that to myself?  And I don't really want to know that answer.

You know what helped me a lot with finally sticking to this decision and knowing it will all work out is that the Universe wants to support me.  My own mother is supporting me.  And I listened to this group of three radio personalities, Frosty, Heidi and Frank, who Monday trashed bloggers.  When truth be told, they are simply bloggers in radio clothing and being paid quite well for it.  They are beloved by many.  I don't begrudge them any of their success and I actually applaud it because they bring smiles and laughter to many of their listeners on a regular basis.

And I love and loathe all the posts on Facebook and Twitter.  Some are so inane I want to slit my throat (okay not really, but figuratively to paint a word picture) and some when they appear seem like they are heaven sent wisdom like people sharing stuff about Abraham, which I have shared below.

I so desire to get out of my own way and stop the judgment.  That where I am right now...I love it.  And if it isn't where I thought I would be or want to be...don't hate it.  Still love it and know it is simply my starting destination and now I am going on a journey...a trip...oooooooohhhhh and I love to travel...to where/who I think I want to be so I will love myself more and its easier for me to love me.  Not only will this trip be awesome, but I will have the entire support of the Universe to ensure I travel first class and have all sorts of help and love and fun and joy and bliss along the way.  So, if you find your self in a similar state as I find myself currently, I hope the article in this post will assist you with your next journey.

Love is the answer.  And there is ONLY love.  And so it is.


Where Do You Want to Be?

Have you seen the Global Positioning navigational systems that are available in vehicles today? An antenna on the roof of your vehicle sends a signal to satellites in the sky that identify your current location. Once you enter your desired destination into the keypad, the computer calculates the route between where you are and where you want to go. The monitor informs you of the distance you have to travel and recommends the best route to get there, and once you begin, the system will give you specific directions to lead you to your new destination.
The navigational system never asks: “Where have you been?” It does not ask: “Why have you been there so long?” Its only mission is to assist you in getting from where you are to where you want to be. Your emotions provide a similar guidance system for you, for their primary function is also to help you travel the distance from where you are to wherever you want to be.
It is extremely important that you know where you are in relationship to where you want to be in order to effectively move closer to where you want to be. An understanding of both where you are and where you want to be is essential if you are to make any deliberate decisions about your journey.
You are surrounded by many influences in your physical environment, and often, others ask or insist that you behave differently in order to positively affect their experience. You are deluged with laws, rules, and expectations that are imposed by others, and almost everyone seems to have an opinion about how you should behave. But it is not possible for you to stay on track between where you are and where you want to be if you are using those kinds of outside influences to guide you.
Often you are pulled this way and that in an attempt to please another, only to discover that no matter how hard you try, you cannot consistently move in any pleasing direction, and so, you not only do not please them, but you also do not please yourself. And because you are being pulled in so many different directions, your path to where you want to be usually gets lost in the process.
Just as it is easy for you to contemplate a successful trip from Phoenix to San Diego, it will be easy for you to contemplate a successful trip from financial insecurity to financial security, from sickness to wellness, from confusion to clarity…. On your trip from Phoenix to San Diego, there will be no major unknowns, for you understand the distance between the two cities, you know where you are along the way, and you understand what moving in the wrong direction means to your success. Once you understand your own Emotional Guidance System, you will never again be confused about where you are in relationship to where you want to be. Also, you will feel, with each thought that you offer, whether you are moving closer to, or further from, your desired outcome.
If you are using any other influence as your source of guidance, you will get lost and go off track, for no others understand, as you do, the distance between where you are and where you want to be. But even though they cannot understand your desires purely, they will still continually add their desires to the mix. And so, only when you pay attention to way you feel can you guide yourself steadily toward your own goals.
Hicks - Toronto 2009 468x60

Thursday, October 8, 2009

Day 50, Thankful Thursday, October 8, 2009

I'm thankful I still consider myself in the challenge.

I'm thankful I found a desicion I can get behind, Professional Blogging.

I'm thankful I love myself more every day.  I'm thankful God loves me.  I'm thankful to know God loves me no matter what.  I'm super thankful that I have so many ideas for blogs that I could probably work for a week straight without a break and not finish everything I'd love to finish.  I love and am thankful for all the applications on the internet that allow someone like me to start small and grow into something bigger than big...as big as I like.

I'm thankful for love and all the love and beauty in the world if we have "eyes" to see it.

I'm thankful for flowing and glowing well-being and knowing the truth of me is I am already flowing and glowing with well-being if I have "eyes" to see it.  Now I wish I would stop worrying about certain things 'cuz I know there is no need.  I will get there though and hope I am thankful for the journey.

I am thankful for appreciation.  I am thankful for preferences.  I am thankful for me.  I am thankful for you.

That's all.

Monday, October 5, 2009

Day 47, Monday, October 5, 2009

You know, I was so inspired to write stuff for this blog in the beginning. 

Now I've lagged off to every other day.  Not that this is a bad thing nor do I want to imply I am disappointed with me, 'cuz in the past those words may have inspired such feelings in me. 

It's just that I have so many great ideas coming in, I almost can't seem to keep up.

Tomorrow is another Tiara Tuesday and my friend, Ericka's birthday.  Accordingly, I plan on spending a little less time at my laptop.

I still am currency cleansing, advocating inspired giving and wellbeing.  And even more, ho'oponopono, which as I write this just answered one of my own "how can I?" questions.  There you go.

Blessings and Namaste.

Saturday, October 3, 2009

Day 45, Saturday, October 3, 2009

Isn't it interesting how the Universe supports us once we make a decision?
Isn't it interesting how the Universe supports us once we make a decision.

I've been "dabbling" with my company, AmericanWell-Being LLC, since March of this year.  And yet as I write about identity, identity theft, ho'oponopono and the like, I haven't identified myself as someone who has a business, works and makes money doing it even though I know about spiritual stuff and manifesting.

I mention this because with my "happy accident" I wrote about in my last blog, I am probably a million times farther along with being successful as identifying myself as a Professional Blogger than I allowed myself to be with American Well-Being.

Chances are this is perfect.  While I thought I desired to be in a business that promotes well-being, in the past six months it seems that what I would really love to do is aligned very closely with what a professional blogger does.

I also feel this seems to be a perfect answer for me in the sense that I don't feel comfortable being paid to what in my opinion amounts to helping my brother or sister children of God with their spirituality.

And I've realized much in the sense that it isn't my job to save anyone.  It isn't my job to try to convince you that my thoughts, feelings or beliefs are better than yours and so you should adopt mine.

Some of why I believe this is
1.  Abraham says it was never the intent of our souls to come here and save anyone else or judge their experience.
2.  With my Right Of Consciousness Knowledge, I understand that I am the supreme ruler of my personal consciousness and you are the supreme ruler of yours.  What seems the most loving and respectful thing for me then is to share and enjoy together with my brother and sister Supreme Rulers.

I had mentioned in a previous post that I would talk about Right of Consciousness Knowledge (R.O.C.K., as I like to refer to it) and so today seems to be the day.

The first time I feel I was introduced to the concept in a way that really resonated with me is from Alan Cohen's book, Relax Into Wealth (click here if you are interested in checking this book out for yourself).

I quote from the book,
"While it appears external rules govern who owns what, the prevailing law is the Right of Consciousness.
I must love it, know I deserve it and hold a vision for healthy, joyful use of it.  Then it comes to me easily.  When I am joined with something I truly deserve by my mental, emotional and spiritual alignment--it is mine by Universal Law.  No one can interfere.
Remember, I am under no laws but God's.  I live and love in Universal Principle here and now.  Everything I desire comes to me and stays with me by virtue of love."

As I contemplate this truth, this knowledge truly does make each of us equal.  In each moment we are able to and have access to the full potential of Divine Love Intelligence.  It seems to be the reason why each of us is just as equal and capable as the Albert Einsteins, Bill Gates, Oprahs and Dalai Lamas of the world.  This Right of Consciousness Knowledge truly evens the playing field, if we let it.  It also seems to me that it evens the playing field in the sense that nothing is better or worse, simply different...preference.

It also makes me wonder about the changes going on with the monetary system and the so-called coming 2012 stuff.  Personally, I don't know if I want to read any of those books after what happened with Y2K and they may perhaps limit what I might be able to expect to manifest for me in my life.

Anyway, with the monetary system thing, I know my knee-jerk way of thinking and believing is the way to get something is "buy it".  So, if I don't have the money NOW or don't know how to get the money soon, then instead of using Universal Law, R.O.C.K., knowing I am Supreme Ruler of my own personal consciousness universe, I'll tell myself to "get real...I can't have that."

Yet, without going into too much detail about my past creations, with seeming little monetary wealth I live a pretty wealthy life compared to the majority of the planet.

The Universe doesn't tell me "NO".  The Universe knows how to bring me what I claim via R.O.C.K.  In fact, that's all the Universe is programmed to do.  Like the biggest duplicating machine EVER, the Universe simply projects for me in the outer something that is a vibrational match to my inner or my personal consciousness.

With my new connection to Heaven on Earth LA, I continue to think about my idea of Heaven where "I make the rules and break them 'cuz I'm the best".  That's from a Prince song.  While I am not sure my idea of Heaven was ever quite that well thought out and conceived of, I'm pretty sure my idea of it didn't include money.  It simply included wanting something and getting it.

All of this brings me full circle to deciding on the first day of October, the day I said I was going to start a 40-day Fast from thinking of myself falsely and at least three times a day saying and meaning, "Thank You, God, for restoring me to the perfection from which I emanated." that I AM a Professional Blogger.  And so it is.

P.S.  I'm still cleansing currency, blessing money and the outer source it came to me from and the outer source I circulate it to; knowing I stimulate circulation by participating in circulation.  Also, proclaiming that "money works for me" (not vice-versa), which is similar to another reason why R.O.C.K. can bless your life.  Consciousness, which I feel can be interchanged with energy or Divine Love Intelligence or in the moment pure potential, works for me.  Consciousness is simply like a lump of clay until I command it with my intention and attention.  So, what kind of boss are you in your Consciousness Universe or Consciousness Kingdom or Queendom?

P.P.S.  I am also a little surprised and interested to find in one of the books I read about blogging (and thank you to those authors who taught me some great things) that some bloggers use the donate button from PayPal on their blogs asking for donations if the blog has inspired them in some way.  This is basically what I envisioned with my Inspired Giving idea that I mention at http://www.friendsofthelawofattraction.com.  I just don't know how to incorporate it into my blogs...YET.

And lastly, this initial 100-day open-heart challenge that inspired me to start blogging.  1. Thank you.  2.  Sometimes I feel like I am not really focused on opening my heart during this 100 days.  Yet, I have had so many insights and really am allowing myself to love myself more and others.  The challenge is helping me expand my definition of love.  That's something.

Thursday, October 1, 2009

Day 43, Thankful Thursday, October 1, 2009

Hey all. Happy Thankful Thursday. I wonder if that is why Thanksgiving is on Thursday.

Anyway, I don't believe in accidents anymore. If I did, I might consider starting a blog called Happy Accidents.

And I would be thankful today for Happy Accidents.

I have been realizing more and more how much I love getting out with my HD Video Camera and filming stuff. It gets me out and outside my box to experience something new. So, how can I get paid for that?

In the meantime, I've been realizing from the opportunity I had to film Heaven on Earth LA's grand opening that I could use a better camera...so what would that be if I am serious and then how do I learn how to use it and what software do I use to edit with and how do I learn how to use that.

Let me back up a moment. For the $100 I paid for my current camera and the $100 I paid for the Sony Vegas Software for editing, it is a small investment for fairly good results for those who just want to be casual about it. I did find out a top of the line low-light technology Sony HD video camera for $1000 that would be just fine most likely if I still want to be more or less amateur. And in doing a bit of looking around, I found out that if you want to be a professional filmmaker, there is a $3000 Sony camera that takes everything to a new level.

What is cool is that I did want to know what that camera was and through a Happy Accident did find out? So, it helps me be thankful that when you ask, you are answered.

Still, I can't seem to find a book on working with these types of cameras to get the most out of them. No Dummies books etc. And no Dummy book on using Sony Vegas software and things to do to be more professional with your editing and also supposedly the software has the capability of allowing me to put together DVDs that can be played in a DVD player and I have no idea how to do that either.

Here's my Happy Accident. I need to find out more about using my editing software for the Heaven on Earth LA project. So, I figured of all the Barnes and Nobles I know of in LA, I'd go to the biggest one I could think of with the assumption they'd have a larger selection and just might have something I could use as a reference. Plus, I hadn't been to the Grove for a while and it is right next to the Farmers Market, which is celebrating its 75th Anniversary this year. The Grove is also a sort of celebrity hangout 'cuz it is also next to CBS Television City. Why not combine a fact finding expedition with an opportunity to get some video?

Looking through the books, which I didn't find any for Sony Vegas Software to help me, I found a book on Blogging as a profession.

About a week ago with all the ads all over for the new season of Californication coming up, it popped into my head that it would be cool to come up with something called Californivacation. I love my city. I love SoCal, as we call Southern California. I could so do a video/photo blog of different places to visit in SoCal.

One of the things I have talked about before with friends is that there truly is so much more to SoCal than I feel the stereotypical traffic and Hollywood and beaches.

And so today, I started my Californivacation: SoCal Style blog. Yesterday, I was a little down for reasons that really don't even matter now and today I am back. What brings me back faster and easier than ever before is knowing I am Divine.

What I loved yesterday when I visited Stahsha, the gal who owns Heaven on Earth LA, mentioned that was awesome is reminding me we are whole beings and to be as present as possible. We are Divine Beings having human experiences. Embrace it all. And I love the idea of Heaven on Earth. Do you think that those in Heaven worry about health or wealth? At least my idea of Heaven was that everything is right with me and now I get to make my rules. Like eating all the ice cream I could ever desire to eat and always being beautiful and perfect body shape. That's what I feel about well-being.

First, we are already well-being in truth. To think/feel we are not is lying. Now that we know that nothing is wrong us how do we want it to be?

So on this awesome Thankful Thursday, I am thankful for life, for me, for my divinity, for flowing and glowing well-being, for the internet, for blogging, for loving where I live and wanting to experience and share it, for our 100-day open-heart challenge and for all of you who read this and I share life with.

Thank you. I love you.

Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Day 41, Another Glorious Tiara Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Happy Tiara Tuesday everyone.

No blog on Sunday. The pinata was a huge hit and yet I was quite interested in the difference between a kid's party where everyone ones a shot at hitting the pinata or they are sad and this party where none of my 27-year old cousin's male friends wanted a shot. Ended up only my cousin, his mom and his dad and then my cousin again were game. Of course, in all fairness I never intended on taking a shot myself and I'm not sure what all of this says about anything, but...

Needless to say, I was on quite a high.

And then yesterday, not so much. A video I'm putting together for Heaven on Earth crashed on me a couple of times and my internet access was denied for whatever reason.

The real tragedy is that I am so much more aware of when I let outward "anything" define me as being somehow less than. Then it really makes those 10 ho'oponopono words all the more meaningful as I say, "I love you. I'm sorry. I forgive you. Thank you." As much as I am not too thrilled that I notice how much I do this, I am very thrilled that every day I do love myself more and that I truly am sorry and forgive myself for seeing me as something other than the glory of Divine Love Intelligence made manifest that I know I am. And for at least stopping the hamster wheel and stepping out even if I am not completely out.

This morning I woke up with a realization that I have all these great realizations and I know I am Divine and I know I am stepping out of the hamster wheel and claiming my flowing and glowing well-being and stop resisting what is illusion and put my attention on what is REAL and Divine, but I am attempting to do so with my same human mind/thinking when I need to make the transition to Divine Mind and Divine Heart and Divine everything if I really seek to transition...to be clear...to be restored to the perfection from which I emanated and seeing me the way Divine Love Intelligence sees me.

All this only today when I was able to get back online to find that someone had sent me a virtual Tiara on Facebook to remind me today is Tiara Tuesday. I included a copy of this virtual Tiara in this blog. And that it was perfect to be off line 'cuz I would have gone ahead and uploaded the video to YouTube only to find that the person I am basically doing it for probably would not have been as happy without being able to see it first and she is going to get that chance tomorrow.

You know I had meant to mention the Laughing Buddha 40-day Fast that I was planning to start on October 1 and invite any to join me who desired to. I was inspired to create it from lent and wondered if in a way it was the original intent of lent. Lent is about giving up something for 40 days with the idea that if you can give something up for 40 days you can give it up forever. And I could go into a lengthy bunch of words here about what I really mean by that and how it doesn't seem to be like that anymore, but that's not my point.

I tied it into the Laughing Buddha 'cuz I like to think that the laughing Buddha laughs because once he was able to be free of illusion, he realized how silly some of our fears and the like are that we have.

So to marry the two, think of one disempowering belief you have that you could give up for 40 days. And you'd need to come up with an opposite because you want it to be less about putting attention on what you don't want and more about putting attention on what you do want OR I guess more precisely how you no longer wish to identify yourself and how you now choose to identify yourself.

And for me the ultimate was to stop seeing me as illusion and see me more the way Divine Love Intelligence sees me and at least three times a day thank Divine Love Intelligence for restoring me to the perfection from which I emanated.

I still may do this starting October 1. It's just that today I decided I was going to put together a Tiara Tuesday class that I would facilitate at Heaven on Earth LA. I haven't got it all figured out yet and I am not sure that I want to feel like I have it all figured out in order to let it shape itself organically out of the intention. But the intent behind the class is that the Tiara is symbolic of our divine identity. That in the 60 to 90 minutes together it is about practicing coming more from what we feel it would be like to "BE" via Divine Mind than our own mind.

In other words, truly in this class everyone is created equal. We are all divine children of God. We are all the rulers of the rules in our own Queendoms (which is our personal consciousness). From the place of Divine Mind and Divine Love Intelligence each of us is an Albert Einstein, Bill Gates, Oprah, Mother Teresa, etc. from the aspect of possibility. And that we don't let past ways we've identified ourselves and/or how much money we appear to have in the moment decide for us what we can experience or create.

In this class there are Zero Limits, all possibilities. We are eternal and divine and blessed and loved. In this class there are no problems. There is only wealth and health and flowing and glowing well-being, as much as we are able.

And we understand that we are all created equal because each of us has access to the same possibilities in consciousness as any of the rest of us. The same ability to change beliefs and feelings in any given moment of now.

Of course, you don't need to attend the class to do this for yourself every Tuesday. You don't even need a physical tiara to participate. You can use this virtual one as the tiara you wear in your imagination.

What you are doing is rehearsing. Ever notice the word rehearsing is re-hear-sing.

I know a lot of classes are about visioning what you want in order to bring it about. I also can see this and maybe I don't even want to call it a class as much as an experience...The Tiara Tuesday Experience...because it will be more about practicing how to rule your own consciousness Kingdom...practicing how to have consciousness work for you and not vice-versa so that your Kingdom is a joyous Kingdom whatever your definition of joyous is.

What I was getting at is that if what is currently on our "vision boards" based on our human mind, think what might be on our vision board when we get good at utilizing our Divine Minds?

So, Happy Tiara Tuesday. Who knows, maybe I will see some of you at Heaven on Earth LA sharing the practice of getting comfortable with our Divine Identities.

And while I still am so thrilled to have had the realization that to judge somethings as Divine and others as not as JUDGMENT (I never really thought it was before), in my Queendom the idea of these shared Tuesday Experiences really makes my thoughts of Tiara Tuesday and my enjoyment of Tiara Tuesday seem that much more Divine.

thank you. I love you for sharing this blog with me by reading it.

P.S. I still am cleansing that currency. Thrilled to. And have a next level to add in the sense that every time you release wealth into circulation, you remind yourself that you are stimulating the flow of wealth circulation making it that much stronger, healthier and faster for it to return to you. And again with the remembering who we are, our Divine Identity, that money works for you.

P.P.S. Still all about Inspired Giving too. To find out more go to http://www.friendsofthelawofattraction.com

Oh and remember...Love isn't a choice, just like health, wealth, joy and beauty and well-being are not choices in the sense that they are always ON and ever present in each glorious moment of NOW. You may decide not to "see" or acknowledge their existence in the moment (that is a choice) but they are ever present.

So, with lots and lots of love and blessings I remind you that you are already flowing and glowing with well-being here and now and always...you must be by definition and the identity you have in the eyes of Divine Love Intelligence. You can resist this truth or acknowledge it and flow with it.

And you know, I believe there isn't any wrong in resisting it or punishment either. It's simply that in the same way if I chose to type a "P" instead of an "A", resistance will create resistance experiences and flow will create flow experiences.

Every Tuesday, I'll be practicing seeing you glowing and flowing 'cuz that's how I choose for it to be in my Queendom. In my Queendom I see everyone as the truth of who they are even if they don't see it themself. And I will ask myself for forgiveness using ho'oponopono if I see anyone or anything in my Queendom as being anything but the way I choose for it to be. I love you. I am sorry. Please forgive me. Thank you. For in my Queendom I take full responsibility for Total Well-Being.


Saturday, September 26, 2009

Day 38, Saturday, September 26, 2009

Hey, all you party people.

Isn't life amazing?

Isn't this 100-day challenge the bomb?

I believe you know how I would answer those questions.

So, I totally missed what I wanted to designate as "False Friday". And partly because I realized that I was having some issues with seeing me as Truth and not as "false".

Maybe the way to explain it is that I had this amazing insight that "If I am judging some things as divine and others as not...well, that is judgment, eh?" And with the truth of ho'oponopono, when I see or believe or perceive me based on what my physical eyes see and not my Divine eyes, then it so brings home with an even more "feeling" feeling the "I'm sorry. Please forgive me."

I found myself fearful about the physical size of my body and/or the seeming amount of my cash in hand in the moment. Only to realize that if I am placing attention on me as being overweight and not who I am in the view of Divinity, then I am putting more energy on manifesting me as being overweight. You know, 'cuz it is where my attention is. And as far as the amount of money I appear to have.

Well, I continue to be committed to currency cleansing and blessing all wealth that comes to me, but also that what if my belief, 'cuz Divinely it is true, that as I have money or any wealth and I am thrilled to circulate it that what I am doing is stimulating the FLOW of wealth. And that even though it should be enough (and remember I don't enjoy the word "should" 'cuz on one level I understand that we are all already PERFECT just as we are and so it is NEVER my job to should you) to simply flow wealth, I also benefit on the backend because I know that as I flow out, more is flowing in to me for my enjoyment.

So, part of me was worried 'cuz I will be joyously participating in the celebration of my cousin's 27th birthday on Sunday, September 27th and what could I give him that would be mah-velous dahling?

It's interesting to me when I think about it that somehow he has been the person who I have had this sort of tradition where now it is like what can I give him that answers the question "something you've always never known you've wanted and yet...now that you have it...? And yet, because I still haven't flowed an actual manifestation of a billion dollars...isn't so much about the money but more about "how much fun can we make it?"

And I found myself at the beginning of this week in a sort of fear, panic mode thinking that I couldn't pull out my intention where this is concerned. What has been amazing about the 100-day challenge and all I am going through is that even though this was my "knee-jerk" response, the Higher Self of me was like don't let that voice sway you. Remember who you are? and so on.

So, here is is one day before the party and without my having to really figure it out, my wonderful (he is totally an angel) man, suggests we go to downtown L.A. to see if we might get inspired.

Downtown L.A. (close to the Fashion District...which is where this season's Project Runway, which I love 'cuz I am a sewer and am the kind of person who would see a pattern in a store that looked similar to what I had in mind but not quite there and I knew I could alter it to make it my own and I loved this) is the place where he feels comfortable. The place where it is almost a plus if you speak Spanish or some sort of Asian language and you are able to buy at about the most wholesale of a price possible.

As we walked around the maze (and seriously, it is like a maze 'cuz you could easily get lost amidst the halls and corridors and alleys, etc. where these shops are located) and knowing my cousin's love for the Dodgers and my now many joyous participations in Manny's grand niece's and nephew's birthday party that how much fun would it be to have mostly 27-year olds enjoy the pinata experience?

Seriously, my cousin technically doesn't NEED anything. To me when most of us are in that place where technically we don't NEED anything, what becomes more cherished is experiencing something that is fun but you didn't expect.

So, we got him a pinata. The thing I hadn't realized before moving here and enjoying all the different experiences I've enjoyed, is that the pinata comes empty. Or at least the to me what I envision as a pinata. As a side note, we were told the new hot pinata to have is one that is already loaded up with many different types of sports balls that birthday participants would be thrilled to end up with as a gift from the pinata experience.

I decided for a birthday party that is supposed to be more about fun and a party that will include mostly people his age is that I would fill it with things that could be practicle, but would also be a little more private. For instance, condoms, diapers, toilet paper and the great stand-by "chiclets". To me it would be fun to see who would go for what and especially since my cousin is a Vegan and most likely most of his friends are as well. So, the chiclets are the most food type thing we included in the pinata.

I also am psyched because our gift (my Man's, Manny and mine) will include Manny in charge of pinata placement. Manny didn't want to hit the pinata. So, his job while he is on my Aunt and Uncle's garage roof will be to dangle the pinata in such a way as to get participant's to take a swing without allowing them to connect with the pinata. These are powerful, older adults. We need and desire the fun to last as long as possible. My additional contribution will be filming the experience with the hope that all involved will be game to allow themselves to let the kid in them takeover and enjoy the entire pinata experience even though most of them will be in their late 20's.

I also want to share how on Thursday I had an amazing breakthrough where I just wanted to practically shout out to the entire universe how I realized that if I am judging certain things to be divine and others as not divine...that is judgment.

Also, that how interesting it is that judgmental is a combo pack of the words "judge" and "mental", which to me, more or less make them the poster children for beliefs and not facts.

So, today as I was walking around downtown L.A. where people who are more an affinity with immigrants, and recent like now or first level immigrants, go to do biz and where you can pretty much get anything wholesale price and about as low as you will find something in L.A., and when I compared that to my experience of last Saturday as I attended the Grand Opening of Heaven on Earth L.A..........I found myself realizing how easy it is to perceive last Saturday's experience as being Divine and how before today, I would have perceived today's experience as Divine, not so much.

But people, there is only divinity. And both are Divine. And if I am perceiving any other way, I am stealing and cheating my self.

The other thing that happened today that I loved is that my man, Manny, who I never would have expected to go with me to one of my spirituality-type places agreed to go. I am not going to try to assume his motivation for this blog post 'cuz truth is I may never actually know his true motivation. What was interesting to me is that the place we were close to that he agreed to go to is the Peace Labyrinth Gardens in L.A. And when we got there, it technically was closed. I didn't remember Saturday was their closed day.

When you find the place and pull into their driveway, you are greeted with a gate and an intercom system that requires you to push the button and to let them know why you are there. So in talking to the voice on the intercom we realized this is my third visit (last time I was also turned away). Second visit they were technically closed also. So, pity, whatever for my third visit and with my promise I would forever remember they are closed on Saturday, we were allowed to come in and walk the labyrinth.

What I found interesting is that three other people stopped us to inquire as to why we were there 'cuz Saturday's are closed to the public. You know 'cuz I have the consciousness that there are no accidents, which is a whole other thing in my mind. It's sort of like the thing I mention with stepping out of the hamster cage when it comes to having problems and then deciding I am going to accept the consciousness that problems only exist if you believe they do...

Anyway, what was such a gift or that I was so thrilled about is that it seems like any man I have ever been in a relationship with has not shared my spiritual bent. That's not to say they aren't Divine. And one of the things I love most about Manny is that he seems to be more of who I would love to be in the sense of expressing a person who is peaceful and happy and loves life and is generous, etc. without going through all the gyrations I feel I need to go through in order to be on his level.

Maybe the better way to explain it is that I don't really share my spirituality. And so to share this with him and feel like he loves me enough to share it with me even if he thinks I'm a "nut job"...well, it meant a lot to me.

So, I was so excited to have us walking the labyrinth together I sort of couldn't really remember the purpose of walking the labyrinth. And yet, how could I remember. There are probably as many good reasons to walk the labyrinth in a walking meditation as there are original snowflakes in the history of time.

I was able to share two of my favorites. One is that as you walk...you feel like you are more and more letting go of anything that is "troubling" you. And the other is that you use the entire time it seems to require to walk the entire labyrinth to be in gratitude. For if truth is that the more you are grateful, the more you attract things to be grateful for...well,

Yet, since I truly do not believe in coincidence (and I am so thrilled with the whole if you stay in the moment and in every moment realize that this moment is awesome and so you can trust that every present moment will be awesome even if you don't know at this moment how that will be true) there is obviously something in the fact we were allowed to participate even though we were reminded three times that this usually is not allowed, I'm also going to let myself be okay enough to not try to figure out what the deal was. Instead, I desire to simply be grateful that even though technically it was closed, we were allowed in.

So, life is wonderful. And if the length of this post because I missed just one day is an indicator to write every day...well, still, the message is the same. As we continue to correct our thoughts, feelings and beliefs to be more aligned with truth...our lives become so much more amazing and wonderful and without seeming to have so much "work" to do so.

Most every Friday evening I have dinner with my aunt and uncle who live in town. Because of my cousin's party, my aunt said maybe we should simply blow off this Friday. Only to have my friend come to me to get together Friday evening to help her with a letter of intent for a job she would love to have.

And so as I continue with this challenge and get more into ho'oponopono, I so have more of a feeling as I put those 10 words out there to the Divine, "I love you. I'm sorry. Please forgive me. Thank you."

And I had a point that seemed worthy of writing about and sharing, it seems to escape me at this moment. And so I know it will emerge when it is more appropriate.

If nothing else, though, I can so see how much I have "seen" myself with human vision and not divine vision and defined myself as something so very, very much less than the way Divine perceives me. So, when I repeat the 10 words, there is so much more intent and emotion behind the words.

Okay, this is definitely enough for today.

Thank you again to all of you who read this whenever you find yourself attracted to this blog post. Thank you to all of you who share my life with me. Thank you to God and love. I do feel blessed. And, I know I am more and more flowing and glowing with well-being than I ever expected to.


P.S. Still loving currency cleanse and inspired giving. If you are interested in finding out more, http://www.friendsofthelawofattraction.com

P.P.S. How would this change your life if:
1. You understood that in any moment you let go of money or wealth in whatever divine form, you knew your were stimulating the flow of wealth in your life, and
2. You continued to affirm that as the truth of You that You are, money WORKS for You (not vice-versa). For it is the joy of joys of the Universe and forms of Divinity to support us in ways that are joyous and amazing and awesome and blessed in every moment if we will simply believe this is the truth of the way Divine Love always intended for us.

Whoo hoo!

I love you.

Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Day 36, Thankful Thursday, September 24, 2009

So, my first Thankful Thursday.

I was thinking for those who read this blog and are willing to participate, that we could take it to a different level. Some how, some way those willing to participate keep a list of everything you are grateful for during your waking hours on Thursday and then Friday, we compare numbers.

Like you keep a running total during the day. It could be as simple as if you think of something, you write a tick mark on a sheet of paper and keep track of your tick marks for the day. Let's not make it so labor and time intensive that no one will end up sticking with it.

You know many advanced spiritual writings mention that a spiritual Master pretty much gets to the place where there really is only one thing to say and that is "thank you".

And here is what might make "Thankful Thursday" a little more fun. Don't limit your list to things or people from your past or your present. Remember, technically there is no space of time. So, you can include things that you expect (you know, what if desires were simply future memories...memories of the future) or call them future memories.

P.S. I'm promoting currency cleansing and inspired giving. And, ho'oponopono. You can find out more by visiting my website, http://www.friendsofthelawofattraction.com

Thank you to everyone who reads my blogs and is inspired to participate on any level. I appreciate you and your time. Namaste.

Day 35, Wednesday, September 23, 2009

I appreciate all the feedback I receive from my blog posts. I had some positive feedback to my Tiara Tuesday post and a request to find out if I have anything else like that to share.

The answer is that I really didn't. However, it seemed once the question was asked, then something popped in my mind:

"Tell the Truth Thursday"

My inspiration was that as much as a person is able they identify them self on Thursday as simply the truth of who they are as seen in Divine Mind with Divine vision. You know, You, flowing and glowing with divine love well-being.

I also have a 40-day Laughing Buddha Fast that I am going to talk about in the next day or two.

I really like the idea of Tell the Truth Thursday.

It's just that a couple of minutes later the thought, "Thankful Thursday" popped in. Sort of had a ring to it. Later I remembered why. It's one of the things you are encouraged to tweet about on Thursdays for those of you who participate in the Twitterverse.

I was thinking for those who read this blog and are willing to participate, that we could take it to a different level. Some how, some way those willing to participate keep a list of everything you are grateful for during your waking hours on Thursday and then Friday, we compare numbers.

You know many advanced spiritual writings mention that a spiritual Master pretty much gets to the place where there really is only one thing to say and that is "thank you".

And here is what might make "Thankful Thursday" a little more fun. Don't limit your list to things or people from your past or your present. Remember, technically there is no space of time. So, you can include things that you expect (you know, what if desires were simply future memories...memories of the future) or call them future memories.

Maybe Friday could be False Friday sort of the reverse of Tell the Truth Thursday. Instead of really working on telling the truth, instead you pay special attention to all the things that come up in your awareness that are false according to the truth of who you are. When these moments appear in your awareness, you say the ho'oponopono prayer to clean your consciousness of this falsehood. And then at least three times during Friday you connect with Divine Love and mention, "Thank You, God, for restoring me to the perfection from which I emanated."

Okay, I think that is enough for now.

P.S. I'm promoting currency cleansing and inspired giving. And, ho'oponopono.

Thank you to everyone who reads my blogs and is inspired to participate on any level. I appreciate you and your time. Namaste.

Note to self. I want to ponder the following in a future blog: When I don't see you as your true identity, am I stealing from both of us? If I preassume anything about you except the truth of who you are.

Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Wealth is a state of being, not a decision.

Back in 1994 this friend of mine who is an Eckist (she belongs to a church called Eckankar) who was lovely enough to share her temple and some of their seminars and the like with me. Eckankar has what they refer to as a living spiritual master who might sort of be likened to the Pope for Catholics.

In the beginning when we would go to events and I knew this Master would be there, I would always be nervous because I thought that a Master was someone who could see all your faults and everything you'd ever done wrong and what a bad person you were and I hope you get the gist.

Later, I was enlightened enough to understand that nothing could be further from the truth. A true spiritual master sees each of us with Divine Eyes or with spiritual perfection. This is actually the way Jesus was technically such a powerful "healer". Jesus, the Christ, saw straight through whatever illusion his brother or sister child of God was under the "spell" of (literally a spell, which all mistaken beliefs...and let me be clear that a mistaken belief is one in discord with the truth of our divine self) which was manifesting as some form of illness.

Also, as Jesus, the Christ, was a tuning fork for Divine Love he was able to connect with that spark and return his brother or sister back to harmony with their innate flowing and glowing divine love well-being. As Jesus, the Christ, is and every shall be a tuning fork for the Divine it makes me wonder if the popular "WWJD?" would have been a more accurate slogan if it would have been "WWJB?" Who would Jesus be?

You know I almost didn't write this blog post and was going to save it. And then I realized, why? I am doing this just as much for anyone who reads this as I am doing it for my self. Why wait? The time is NOW. And remember, I have elevated myself to the unlimited plan. So, who's counting? And even if someone is counting, why should I let that deter me? If they have a blog, they can determine how many posts a day they will write. This is my blog.

Oooooh a little bit of a rant. I kind of enjoyed that.

Okay, so the real reason I was inspired to continue on is that as we make the transition from feeling like wealth is a decision to understanding that just like love, wealth is a state of being. Wealth is always and ever present. If we are not perceiving it, it is because we are being distracted by the virus of scarcity and/or trained to believe wealth can be absent and can only be present under certain conditions or certain "doings".

So, as you make the transition, even if outwardly it appears like nothing has changed, seek to keep looking again in each moment to see the wealth that is ever present.

I know something I tend to do is look outside to validate if I am "doing it right" inwardly with my consciousness. And if it hasn't shown up yet I tend to become frustrated and assume it won't. So, I'll stop looking for it and stop expecting it and assume there must be some other "secret" or "trick" I need to find out about and then....

Did you know God's delays are not God's denials?

Did you know that our consciousness isn't even really about asking. Manifestation isn't really about asking. It's more about a projection of intention and attention like the old time film projectors. Each frame of the film starts off blank and then filled based on the energy and vibration we radiate via our intention and attention. In other words, the answer is always "Yes". Yes to whatever is on the "film". Whatever is on the film is what gets condensed into matter and becomes material. Imagine then how your film may look in the universal projector if you are intending wealth while having your attention on the virus of scarcity. If your attention is distracted by the virus of scarcity, how can you expect to "see" wealth? The wealth that is ever present and the ONLY thoughts on the subject entertained in Divine Mind.

And if your mind needs for the time being to stick to the Law of Attraction paradigm of ask, believe, receive...then perhaps it is helpful to define specifically what the process of "asking" actually means to the universe and in regards to this universal law.

As with yesterday's design (which many of my designs come out of my desire to create a touchstone for me to help me remember something I desire to remember), I created today's with the idea that it is up to me (by taking full responsibility for my well-being) to see the ever present wealth and be aligned with the truth that wealth is who I AM.

What I found was interesting is that right after creating it and knowing I would include the design in this blog post and create a CafePress shop for it (not MySoti in this case because CafePress offers the ability to put the design on items that really would be more appropriate to being a touchstone like stickers or mouse pads or journals and such, to visit the shop, click here) the thought floated right up into my awareness that perhaps this was wrong or inappropriate or others would think I was bad for being so crass as to depict someone seeing dollar signs.

And yet, how perfect. It just goes to show that I have judgements about wealth and money in my consciousness that are not aligned with Divine Truth. As these float to the surface of my awareness it is an opportunity to cleanse them and replace them. 'cuz if they are in my consciousness, they are stealing from my wealth and full flowing and glowing divine love well-being experience I would be having in this present moment. Bring on the ho'oponopono.

And how will I know when I may cease with the cleansing? When I look at the design and only love surfaces.

Okay, I think I'm done. I got some cleaning to do. Blessings and Love to all of you. Happy Cleaning.

Day 34, Tiara Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Happy Tiara Tuesday to all.

The truth of all of us is that we are flowing and glowing divine love well-being. When we align with this truth and "see" it inwardly, we experience it outwardly.

So, can you love yourself enough today to put on your Crown or Tiara of Divine Love and Truth and really flow and glow with well-being today?

I'm confident you can.

P.S. And the Tiara can be simply in your mind. It's the feeling of your Divine Royalty that the Tiara represents that is important.

Whoo hoo for Tiara Tuesday.

And whoo hoo for the open-heart journey.

And a big whoo hoo for the truth of who we are as beloved and blessed creations of Divine Love.

How to be a "Power Generator" for the planet.

Thank you so much to Rebecca Marina, Prosperity Queen, for this exercise.

How to be a "Power Generator" for the planet.

In a recent meditation, spirit asked me to share a simple exercise with you.

Most of you who get my letters are "light workers".

You are doing a great service to others on the planet just by your willingness to share light.

Here is a "Power Generator" exercise from spirit:

A. Think of yourself as a power generator. Imagine you are absorbing millions of watts of light from sun or any of God's creation. Fill yourself up to overflowing. Then, imagine you are spraying this energy all over the world. Imagine you are traveling the universe on a magic carpet and spraying Light everywhere you go.

Why do this simple exercise?

Spirit says, there are many who feel so low, they cannot even conceive of absorbing any light by themselves. By being a Human power generator for them--you help a great deal. It is like "pre-digested spiritual food" for someone so weak they cannot feed themselves.

I bless you for listening and for doing the exercise. You may not know the tremendous good you do 'til you get back home to the other side.

You can find out more about Rebecca at http://www.rebeccamarina.com

Okay, I find it interesting how much I had been thinking about this exercise and that it might be a great practice and how it would be good to share.

Yet, as I was retyping it to include here (which actually was my only intention) I realized how much we can allow ourselves to blindly accept a diagnosis and treatment.

And how about a month ago, I would have been all over this.

Now I've told myself I have taken that leap (even though it really only was like a baby step) and jumped out of the hamster wheel into living from divine love, flowing and glowing well-being truth.

As I was watching last night's episode of the season premier of House the thought flowed in about my new favorite saying that begged me to design something around it, "fighting for peace is like screwing for virginity."

Well, seeing anyone or anything as less than flowing and glowing well-being as the way to manifest flowing and glowing well-being is like screwing for virginity.

I know I couldn't really come up with something more succinct and clever. I live with that.

Again, though, that is what Dr. Hew Len mentions. And it ties in with my design from yesterday with the peace signs placed in the eyes. How can I see discord and disease and anything but perfection "out here" and think that will ever allow me to see flowing and glowing divine love well-being "out here". I don't know what the icon for perfection or flowing and glowing well-being would be, but if I'm not seeing it...how can I ever expect it to manifest.

So, again it comes back to being so secure in who YOU ARE and who I AM and what everything is in truth the way it was meant to be perceived with divine vision, is that it is all perfect...all the glory of God made manifest. And to not allow myself to get sucked in to believing anything that isn't real or perceiving or seeing with my physical eyes anything that isn't real. And if I do, then I ask myself to forgive myself for this.

You know, I've known for over two years that their are only thoughts of wealth in divine mind. And I've paid for and sought out all sorts of practices that will help me manifest money and wealth. Only to feel like the real "trick" or "secret" and I don't even want you to pay me for this because you will only believe it will work if you are in a vibrational match with any of what I talk about in my blog.

Again, it's like the fighting for peace is like screwing for virginity. It's like the love is a state of being, not a decision. Well, wealth is a state of being, not a decision. At this point I truly believe that in divine mind there is never a debate about whether the I AM THAT I AM is poor or rich. Divine Mind has right of consciousness knowledge. Divine Mind knows thyself. Divine Mind knows it is the epitome of wealth and thus only sees and experiences wealth. Thoughts of poverty or not enoughness, etc. are never even engaged or contemplated.

Now I understand the real "trick" in all of this is that you may look with your physical eyes and think, feel or say "but I'm not rich, where's my money, I can't pay my bills" or whatever variation on that theme you tell yourself in any given moment. And know I am not immune. To me this has always been my "issue".

And I could even on some levels intuit over the last two years that all the continuing to feel lack is my "issue" was holding me back from the very thing I desired. And with the knowing Divine Mind only thinks wealth, I somehow understood that doing what Divine Mind does was the answer. Yet, I continued to feel like how can I claim my wealth and say I am wealthy and ONLY think thoughts of wealth when I look with my physical eyes and don't see it.

And I continued to stay on that hamster wheel of "so I just have to figure out how to get money, start a business, win the lottery, etc." and all the time there is another part of me that wanted the "Heaven on Earth" kind of understanding that my wealth comes ONLY from SOURCE regardless of my perceptions.

So, again, I can see that I MUST cease from letting myself be distracted from the shiny objects my gaze my be led to look at that try to convince me that the virus of lack and poverty are real. Now isn't that Mastery? I master my vision, inwardly and outwardly, to ONLY see the truth...to only perceive the truth...to only vibrate in harmony with the truth of flowing and glowing divine love well-being.

And for whatever reason, the idea that wealth is a state of being, not a decision...well, I just know that will help me Master what I seek to master.

Then I will no longer be "secreting" for wealth is like screwing for virginity. I will be "being divinely wealthy for wealth is like abstaining from sex for virginity."

And in those moments of NOW before I reach the tipping point where my consciousness just automatically takes over this process for me and I truly become on every level "being divinely wealthy", I most certainly will continue with my ho'oponopono.

To the divine as I make the love connection, I say, "I love you."
To myself for stealing from my perfect well-being with a mistaken thought, word, deed or feeling, I will lovingly say, "I'm sorry. Please forgive me."
To myself for the forgiveness and to Divine Love for cleaning and clearing this imperfect vibration and replacing it with pure Divine Love, I lovingly say, "Thank you."

And so it is.

And to all of you out there who show up in my life to either help me clear all in my consciousness unlike divine love and flowing and glowing well-being or to all of you who show up in my life simply to share the love, I say,
"Thank you. I love you."

Monday, September 21, 2009

Day 33, Monday, September 21, 2009

Aloha! Just a little snapshot of peace for you today.

How is everyone on this International Day of Peace. Peaceful, I hope.

Peace is with you always. Just like love, it's always here. You just may be distracted from its presence 'cuz your attention is elsewhere.

So, ho'oponopono, self I-dentity and I-dentity theft.

P.S. This week speaking of ho'oponopono (I'm going to do a squidoo page called ho'oponopono hotline as sort of a forum for finding out about ho'oponopono and sharing experiences as you practice it) and other things with a Hawaiian theme, there's a web presence, www.mahalo.com, that looks quite interesting. Mahalo is the Hawaiian word for "thank you". They are based out of Santa Monica and have only been around for two years, but it looks like an interesting concept. I just have other things I feel like I should get done first...okay, I don't like the word should. Let me rephrase, I like to think of myself as more of a FIFO (that's accounting lingo for first in first out) kind of gal.

Anyway, back to understanding better now how the ho'oponopono and the "I'm sorry. Please forgive me." are perfect.

So, ho'oponopono is 10 words you repeat to yourself.
I love you.
I'm sorry.
Please forgive me.
Thank you.

Ho'oponopono is about taking full responsibility for personal well-being. As Dr. Joe Vitale and Dr. Hew Len call it, the place of Zero Limits or Peace of I, self peace. How "woo woo" to write about this today.

The I love you is directed at Divine Love with the intention of connecting with this presence (which is the truth of who you really are, BTW) and sharing your love.

"I'm sorry. Please forgive me." that is for you. Divine Love is secure in Its Identity and in Divine Mind there is NEVER (and I repeat NEVER) a reason for forgiveness. There's nothing to forgive. It's ALL GOOD there.

How I am perceiving it now is that if you don't at this very moment of NOW...this magical, wonderful, amazing, divine moment of NOW...I-dentify with yourself as the truth of you as you were created by Divine Love, as your Higher Self, as the epitome of flowing and glowing well-being, love, peace, health, wealth, joy, beauty, et al, then you are technically stealing from yourself in that moment.

You are buying into the virus. You are on the hamster wheel. You are basically being blind to the truth.

I mean think about it. If someone stole what you felt was yours, you'd probably be angry. Well, technically, when you take full responsibility for your well-being, you understand that the only person who can really steal from you (even though outwardly it may appear someone else has stolen from you) IS YOU!!!

Now if someone harms you, don't you expect them to apologize so you may forgive them? Well when you get to this level of embracing full responsibility for your well-being (and possibly using ho'oponopono as a tool to help you with this process), in any moment you are not aligned with Divine LOVE, flowing and glowing well-being, you are stealing from yourself and the "I'm sorry. Please forgive me." is then your way of atoning for your self-theft.

Hopefully, 'cuz at this point you do understand the truth of who you are (even if you are not yet able to embrace its fullness in manifestation in every glorious present moment of now), you are happy to forgive yourself. And you end with "thank you."

Now I have to say that in the beginning of embracing ho'oponopono and this whole total responsibility thing, the "I'm sorry. Please forgive me." part of the process felt somehow wrong. There really wasn't much joy vibration in that part for me. It somehow seemed like I was continuing to vibrate in alignment with being wrong or bad or something like that.

So I am thrilled to have found a way to put it in a more loving context. If my child hurt them self because they didn't know better, would I be upset? Would I think they are bad or wrong or something like that? No. I would simply love them and move forward.

I understand now that it is a very loving thing for me to do for me, as I ask myself to forgive myself for all the ways I have kept myself from fully loving and enjoying flowing and glowing well-being in my life in every present moment of NOW. And as I love myself this much, I radiate a more concentrated vibration of divine love, well-being and peace.

This morning someone called my home phone number asking for "Rosie" again. I had to almost laugh because as they asked for someone who clearly isn't me, it made me remember what I have been sharing on this blog with letting it be that easy for me to remember that I am not the virus and I don't have to "cop" to having any attributes of the "virus" even if I haven't fully manifested in every area the truth of my well-being self, my Peace of I.

And I was thinking that as I become more secure in my true identity, my Peace of I, instead of feeling like I want to run away from those who seem to want to "suck" me back into the virus, I will know instead there is no need to run. I will be able to stand strong and confident in divine truth and being this self-generating beacon of divine light and love and flowing and glowing well-being, I will be like a tuning fork for the divine.

If you don't know what a tuning fork is, well, a tuning fork when activated brings everything around it into vibrational alignment with it.

That must be like the bonus plan. You be your truth, Peace of I, flowing and glowing well-being, and with no effort, simply by being who you are, you are able to help others shift their vibrational frequency in tune with your own.

How divine!

(P.S. remind me I want to mention right of consciousness knowledge this week also and Deepak Chopra's new book)

P.P.S. I'm still on my virtual iCurrencyCleanse promotion tour. The same with inspired giving. You find out more about both by visiting http://www.friendsofthelawofattraction.com

Peace be with you. Of course, as peace is in you.