So 25 years ago in a hospital in Fargo, North Dakota at approximately 6 AM, yours truly was admitted so I could birth my second son, Chris. I didn't know he was going to be a boy. My obstetrician said it was going to be a girl from the way I was carrying it. My ex-hubby and I only had girl names picked out. And so my wonderful son was born with no name except "Baby Boy Bjork".
I could have never guessed what our lives would be like 25 years later. He is happy and healthy and in a way what more could I ask for.
You may hear it a lot, but children tend to open your heart to a form of unconditional love that you never thought you would experience or could experience. Both of my sons certainly were and are that for me.
I will always be so appreciative to both of them for that. What seems to be my challenge is loving me in that same sort of unconditional way I love them. I celebrate any of their joys or creations as if they are the greatest thing since slice bread. I always think they are cool and have great insights about life. I always think they are beautiful and awesome and lovable. Now if I can just do that for me. And with this challenge I've been on since August 20th, I am.
And I have given myself a new 100 day challenge I started two days ago, October 16th. It is to use the info from Dr. Chopra's book to transform and love my physical body more and incorporate it more into my flowing and glowing well-being life.
So, Happy Birthday to my son. I love him very much. And whoo hoo to me.
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