Hey all. Happy Thankful Thursday. I wonder if that is why Thanksgiving is on Thursday.
Anyway, I don't believe in accidents anymore. If I did, I might consider starting a blog called Happy Accidents.
And I would be thankful today for Happy Accidents.
I have been realizing more and more how much I love getting out with my HD Video Camera and filming stuff. It gets me out and outside my box to experience something new. So, how can I get paid for that?
In the meantime, I've been realizing from the opportunity I had to film Heaven on Earth LA's grand opening that I could use a better camera...so what would that be if I am serious and then how do I learn how to use it and what software do I use to edit with and how do I learn how to use that.
Let me back up a moment. For the $100 I paid for my current camera and the $100 I paid for the Sony Vegas Software for editing, it is a small investment for fairly good results for those who just want to be casual about it. I did find out a top of the line low-light technology Sony HD video camera for $1000 that would be just fine most likely if I still want to be more or less amateur. And in doing a bit of looking around, I found out that if you want to be a professional filmmaker, there is a $3000 Sony camera that takes everything to a new level.
What is cool is that I did want to know what that camera was and through a Happy Accident did find out? So, it helps me be thankful that when you ask, you are answered.
Still, I can't seem to find a book on working with these types of cameras to get the most out of them. No Dummies books etc. And no Dummy book on using Sony Vegas software and things to do to be more professional with your editing and also supposedly the software has the capability of allowing me to put together DVDs that can be played in a DVD player and I have no idea how to do that either.
Here's my Happy Accident. I need to find out more about using my editing software for the Heaven on Earth LA project. So, I figured of all the Barnes and Nobles I know of in LA, I'd go to the biggest one I could think of with the assumption they'd have a larger selection and just might have something I could use as a reference. Plus, I hadn't been to the Grove for a while and it is right next to the Farmers Market, which is celebrating its 75th Anniversary this year. The Grove is also a sort of celebrity hangout 'cuz it is also next to CBS Television City. Why not combine a fact finding expedition with an opportunity to get some video?
Looking through the books, which I didn't find any for Sony Vegas Software to help me, I found a book on Blogging as a profession.
About a week ago with all the ads all over for the new season of Californication coming up, it popped into my head that it would be cool to come up with something called Californivacation. I love my city. I love SoCal, as we call Southern California. I could so do a video/photo blog of different places to visit in SoCal.
One of the things I have talked about before with friends is that there truly is so much more to SoCal than I feel the stereotypical traffic and Hollywood and beaches.
And so today, I started my Californivacation: SoCal Style blog. Yesterday, I was a little down for reasons that really don't even matter now and today I am back. What brings me back faster and easier than ever before is knowing I am Divine.
What I loved yesterday when I visited Stahsha, the gal who owns Heaven on Earth LA, mentioned that was awesome is reminding me we are whole beings and to be as present as possible. We are Divine Beings having human experiences. Embrace it all. And I love the idea of Heaven on Earth. Do you think that those in Heaven worry about health or wealth? At least my idea of Heaven was that everything is right with me and now I get to make my rules. Like eating all the ice cream I could ever desire to eat and always being beautiful and perfect body shape. That's what I feel about well-being.
First, we are already well-being in truth. To think/feel we are not is lying. Now that we know that nothing is wrong us how do we want it to be?
So on this awesome Thankful Thursday, I am thankful for life, for me, for my divinity, for flowing and glowing well-being, for the internet, for blogging, for loving where I live and wanting to experience and share it, for our 100-day open-heart challenge and for all of you who read this and I share life with.
Thank you. I love you.
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