Happy Tiara Tuesday everyone.
No blog on Sunday. The pinata was a huge hit and yet I was quite interested in the difference between a kid's party where everyone ones a shot at hitting the pinata or they are sad and this party where none of my 27-year old cousin's male friends wanted a shot. Ended up only my cousin, his mom and his dad and then my cousin again were game. Of course, in all fairness I never intended on taking a shot myself and I'm not sure what all of this says about anything, but...
Needless to say, I was on quite a high.
And then yesterday, not so much. A video I'm putting together for Heaven on Earth crashed on me a couple of times and my internet access was denied for whatever reason.
The real tragedy is that I am so much more aware of when I let outward "anything" define me as being somehow less than. Then it really makes those 10 ho'oponopono words all the more meaningful as I say, "I love you. I'm sorry. I forgive you. Thank you." As much as I am not too thrilled that I notice how much I do this, I am very thrilled that every day I do love myself more and that I truly am sorry and forgive myself for seeing me as something other than the glory of Divine Love Intelligence made manifest that I know I am. And for at least stopping the hamster wheel and stepping out even if I am not completely out.
This morning I woke up with a realization that I have all these great realizations and I know I am Divine and I know I am stepping out of the hamster wheel and claiming my flowing and glowing well-being and stop resisting what is illusion and put my attention on what is REAL and Divine, but I am attempting to do so with my same human mind/thinking when I need to make the transition to Divine Mind and Divine Heart and Divine everything if I really seek to transition...to be clear...to be restored to the perfection from which I emanated and seeing me the way Divine Love Intelligence sees me.
All this only today when I was able to get back online to find that someone had sent me a virtual Tiara on Facebook to remind me today is Tiara Tuesday. I included a copy of this virtual Tiara in this blog. And that it was perfect to be off line 'cuz I would have gone ahead and uploaded the video to YouTube only to find that the person I am basically doing it for probably would not have been as happy without being able to see it first and she is going to get that chance tomorrow.
You know I had meant to mention the Laughing Buddha 40-day Fast that I was planning to start on October 1 and invite any to join me who desired to. I was inspired to create it from lent and wondered if in a way it was the original intent of lent. Lent is about giving up something for 40 days with the idea that if you can give something up for 40 days you can give it up forever. And I could go into a lengthy bunch of words here about what I really mean by that and how it doesn't seem to be like that anymore, but that's not my point.
I tied it into the Laughing Buddha 'cuz I like to think that the laughing Buddha laughs because once he was able to be free of illusion, he realized how silly some of our fears and the like are that we have.
So to marry the two, think of one disempowering belief you have that you could give up for 40 days. And you'd need to come up with an opposite because you want it to be less about putting attention on what you don't want and more about putting attention on what you do want OR I guess more precisely how you no longer wish to identify yourself and how you now choose to identify yourself.
And for me the ultimate was to stop seeing me as illusion and see me more the way Divine Love Intelligence sees me and at least three times a day thank Divine Love Intelligence for restoring me to the perfection from which I emanated.
I still may do this starting October 1. It's just that today I decided I was going to put together a Tiara Tuesday class that I would facilitate at Heaven on Earth LA. I haven't got it all figured out yet and I am not sure that I want to feel like I have it all figured out in order to let it shape itself organically out of the intention. But the intent behind the class is that the Tiara is symbolic of our divine identity. That in the 60 to 90 minutes together it is about practicing coming more from what we feel it would be like to "BE" via Divine Mind than our own mind.
In other words, truly in this class everyone is created equal. We are all divine children of God. We are all the rulers of the rules in our own Queendoms (which is our personal consciousness). From the place of Divine Mind and Divine Love Intelligence each of us is an Albert Einstein, Bill Gates, Oprah, Mother Teresa, etc. from the aspect of possibility. And that we don't let past ways we've identified ourselves and/or how much money we appear to have in the moment decide for us what we can experience or create.
In this class there are Zero Limits, all possibilities. We are eternal and divine and blessed and loved. In this class there are no problems. There is only wealth and health and flowing and glowing well-being, as much as we are able.
And we understand that we are all created equal because each of us has access to the same possibilities in consciousness as any of the rest of us. The same ability to change beliefs and feelings in any given moment of now.
Of course, you don't need to attend the class to do this for yourself every Tuesday. You don't even need a physical tiara to participate. You can use this virtual one as the tiara you wear in your imagination.
What you are doing is rehearsing. Ever notice the word rehearsing is re-hear-sing.
I know a lot of classes are about visioning what you want in order to bring it about. I also can see this and maybe I don't even want to call it a class as much as an experience...The Tiara Tuesday Experience...because it will be more about practicing how to rule your own consciousness Kingdom...practicing how to have consciousness work for you and not vice-versa so that your Kingdom is a joyous Kingdom whatever your definition of joyous is.
What I was getting at is that if what is currently on our "vision boards" based on our human mind, think what might be on our vision board when we get good at utilizing our Divine Minds?
So, Happy Tiara Tuesday. Who knows, maybe I will see some of you at Heaven on Earth LA sharing the practice of getting comfortable with our Divine Identities.
And while I still am so thrilled to have had the realization that to judge somethings as Divine and others as not as JUDGMENT (I never really thought it was before), in my Queendom the idea of these shared Tuesday Experiences really makes my thoughts of Tiara Tuesday and my enjoyment of Tiara Tuesday seem that much more Divine.
thank you. I love you for sharing this blog with me by reading it.
P.S. I still am cleansing that currency. Thrilled to. And have a next level to add in the sense that every time you release wealth into circulation, you remind yourself that you are stimulating the flow of wealth circulation making it that much stronger, healthier and faster for it to return to you. And again with the remembering who we are, our Divine Identity, that money works for you.
P.P.S. Still all about Inspired Giving too. To find out more go to http://www.friendsofthelawofattraction.com
Oh and remember...Love isn't a choice, just like health, wealth, joy and beauty and well-being are not choices in the sense that they are always ON and ever present in each glorious moment of NOW. You may decide not to "see" or acknowledge their existence in the moment (that is a choice) but they are ever present.
So, with lots and lots of love and blessings I remind you that you are already flowing and glowing with well-being here and now and always...you must be by definition and the identity you have in the eyes of Divine Love Intelligence. You can resist this truth or acknowledge it and flow with it.
And you know, I believe there isn't any wrong in resisting it or punishment either. It's simply that in the same way if I chose to type a "P" instead of an "A", resistance will create resistance experiences and flow will create flow experiences.
Every Tuesday, I'll be practicing seeing you glowing and flowing 'cuz that's how I choose for it to be in my Queendom. In my Queendom I see everyone as the truth of who they are even if they don't see it themself. And I will ask myself for forgiveness using ho'oponopono if I see anyone or anything in my Queendom as being anything but the way I choose for it to be. I love you. I am sorry. Please forgive me. Thank you. For in my Queendom I take full responsibility for Total Well-Being.
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