Just got back from The Bonnie Hunt Show taping. I really enjoyed it. As far as the open heart "journey" goes, I love when things like going to Bonnie Hunt present themselves in my life. In many ways, I feel like the more you live from an open heart and stay in the love...the more fun opportunities present themselves to you in your life where you really just need to show up and enjoy. And then be quite grateful to the Universe and yourself for. As amazing as God and the Universe and all of it is divine and wonderful, the universe can not bring you what you have not opened a door for it to bring you via your vibration and consciousness. So remember to love yourself and appreciate yourself too.
Okay, that was sort of the fluff. I feel like what I am going to write now is pretty amazing and could potentially enhance the flowing and glowing well-being in most people's lives.
You know I wrote earlier about squidoo and focus and lenses and eyes and pupils and seeing divinely and all these "vision"-type metaphors. One of my favorite is "when the pupil is ready the teacher appears". Notice I purposely wrote pupil, as yes, it is a synonym for student, but it also is an eye/vision word.
As I've mentioned, I've been flirting with physical body appreciation and love and perhaps a product I could create and for sure one2one sessions with people who wanted help with this. Ever since I first read the 7 Spiritual Laws of Success by Deepak Chopra, which to me was my real herald into spirituality, it totally rang true to me that I should be able to effect any change or create anything with the power of my mind. I am still not as adept at it as I would like, but I am so convinced (and even more convinced with the advent of the collective consciousness with the Law of Attraction) that I continue to practice what I think is possible.
As a quick aside before I get to the meat of this, I have to say that there appear to be two spiritual practice types. Those who practice with the inclusion that their physical body is their temple and so have not really let it go or have always had a great body image and those like me who always felt I was too fat even when I used to be a size 6 and now I would feel like that was thin and awesome...who always felt I had a weight problem (and who sometimes contemplates that it is interesting how my weight issue also seems to correspond with another wait issue, a tendency to procrastination...which still can be synthesized down to not enough self-love, confidence, esteem...choose your name of choice).
Anyway, I love the internet. You know I used to hate email. Okay hate is a strong word, but I was less than fond of it. Now I love the way Twitter and Facebook and Squidoo and YouTube and the like with one post can reach everyone who might be interested in what I have to say and then if they see it great and if they don't that's okay and when they see it is great. And vice-versa. I can see and read about so many different things I may not have otherwise searched for or knew was available and what is going on with others in their lives and the like. And I can do it at a time that works for me. In other words, it's all good.
And I love how this affords the opportunity to knowing one person then means I am soon introduced to someone they know that I am happy to know about and so on and so on. This sort of thing happened with Brad Yates who is now promoting a project he did with Steve G. Jones on confidence. Steve G. Jones is a very awesome and effective hypnotherapist. So knowing Brad who then decides to work with Steve, leaves me confident to check Steve out. And then add him as a Facebook Friend. And now I see what Steve has to offer. And before I know it, I've bought (see I don't like to be sold, but I love to buy...which is the mantra of Jeffrey Gitomer I learned from his book Little Platinum Book of Cha-Ching) one of the many, many titles Steve offers, which happens to be on body appreciation.
I loved the download. It seems powerful and effective. And to be a great answer and tool. And because I am ready for this, a powerful and effective tool showed up. When the pupil is ready... I think I've listened to it four or five times already. Here's what I feel will not only help me flow and glow more gloriously with well-being, but may enhance yours too.
I wrote that it had occurred to me while listening to a teleclass I took on abundance that one of the things they need to remind people of the most is that they deserve wealth. That hearing this got me to thinking about how many of us whether we conscioulsy picked up these beliefs or not do feel we deserve to be poor and deserve to be fat or ugly or any of the things that are in disharmony with well-being because we know we are bad and have done bad things and deserve to be punished and God never said it would be easy and our religions say we are born sinners and can never really trully be saved and any number of bizzare when you really take a look at them in the light of awareness things that we have just bought into through our lives and day-to-day living.
And as I was listening to this Steve G. Jones download for about the third time, a thought popped into my head that I have and so others probably have some beliefs that are something to the effect that it is wrong to be listening to a hypnosis tape which is brainwashing me into believing something that isn't true about me and how dare I think that it can be effective without me having to diet and starve myself and eat foods I don't particularly find enjoyable and then beat myself up about how much I should exercise...kind of like the way they treat fat people on that show "The Biggest Loser". If you are overweight, isn't this what you deserve. How dare you let yourself go? How dare you not follow all the rules of eating healthy and blah, blah? Or as I mentioned in a previous blog post, how if eating ice cream is truly bad then you would have a judgment about it whether a thin person or a fat person is eating it. And yet, I know, even for myself I have these judgments. If I see a thin person eating so-called fattening things, I think nothing of it. But if I see an overweight person, I judge them.
Anyway, I was thinking about how I had this awareness of a belief that it was somehow wrong or could be considered wrong to listen to hypnosis with the expectation that I will morph into my ideal body size with repeated listening. That's when other thoughts started flooding in.
That's when I started thinking that a loving...no...a divinely loving Creator of all that is...the I AM THAT I AM, which divinely loving to me is even a step above and even more of a higher, finer loving vibration than unconditional love, which unconditional love by definition is love not based on any condition...well, this divinely loveing Creator would in my opinion NEVER and I mean NEVER EVER expect me or anyone to think I deserved to be poor or ugly or fat or sick or homeless or hungry...you get the drift. That this loving Creator would actually prefer we think thoughts of the truth as often in every amazing moment of NOW as we would allow ourselves to think/feel in every amazing moment of NOW.
That if we have beliefs or feelings in our consciousness that say we somehow deserve to and should think/feel/identify with ourselves in a particular way that is in disharmony with flowing and glowing well-being because that is how we seem to appear to ourselves and the world in the physical...that those voices or those "this is what you should's" are not from the Divine but from some human belief that you picked up somewhere along the way that you are in no way, shape or form obligated to hold onto or ever feel or think again.
So if affirmations or hypnosis tapes or EFT or ho'oponopono or anything like that helps you to reidentify yourself and think/feel in more amazingly wonderful present moments of now things that are aligned with love and flowing and glowing well-being (and not fear...remember where love is fear is not and fear is not where love is) this must reasonably be perfect for you.
I mean I think it is amazing that the Divine loves us so much that we are allowed to lie to ourselves for as long as we desire to lie to ourselves, but I just can't imagine that the Divine has ever expected us to have to lie to ourselves out of some perverse desire to see us, his children, suffer.
It is just these sort of lies (beliefs and feelings in disharmony with flowing and glowing well-being which is the truth of who we are...our true Divine identity) that may be in our current personal consciousness that ho'oponopono is designed to also assist you with dissipating.
Phrase 1: I love you. Designed to be directed to the Divine to connect with LOVE.
Phrase 2: I'm sorry. Designed to ask LOVE to forgive you for your error in thought/feeling...the lie you've convinced yourself is true about you and/or your identity and/or even the identity of another child of the Divine and ultimately in disharmony with flowing and glowing well-being.
Phrase 3: Please forgive me. In the eyes of LOVE, the Divine, this is not for the Divine necessarily since the the Divine loves you more than unconditionally forgiveness technically does not exist in the mind of the Divine. It is for you. For you to forgive yourself for somehow picking up this disharmony in your consciousness. And it is the cue for Divine LOVE to clean and dissolve this vibration from your consciousness.
Phrase 4: Thank you. With the dissolving, a void is left in your consciousness. The thank you is to thank Divine LOVE for cleaning, dissolving and filling the void with a vibration in harmony with flowing and glowing well-being.
Others are welcome to see them selves, me and anything any way they like. For me to stay in harmony with my true identity and to flow and glow more fully and brightly with well-being, it is for me to see everyone (including me) and everything as Divine, which in truth it is.
To sum up: 1. You deserve to be flowing and glowing with well-being as much as possible in every amazingly magnificent moment of now that you are able to allow yourself.
2. This means thinking/feeling about you (and others...which I suggest work on you first and then how you perceive others and everything...for there really is no distinction between what is sacred and what is not for it is all Divine and therefore, sacred), identifying you as being flowing and glowing with well-being in as many moments of now as you are able to allow yourself. And if for a while you need to have a crutch (which I don't really like the vibe of that word) or whatever they call that stick they use when a tree is growing to help it grow straight and strong in order to have more of your moments be moments where you think/feel more in alignment with flowing and glowing well-being...then you go girl (or boy, as the case may be). Remember where love is fear is not and fear is not where love is.
3. In the absence of using a tool like affirmations or EFT or hypnosis or visualization and the like, ho'oponopono is a magnificent tool. This tool practically screams out for you to bring everything in disharmony with flowing and glowing well-being so you can connect with Divine LOVE to clean, dissolve and replace this disharmony with harmony.
And so it is.
As a P.S. I want to formally congratulate Mike Dooley and www.tut.com for having their 7th year anniversary today. For those who do not know about the inspiration Mike Dooley had 7 years ago to start writing emails to those who wished to receive them as if they were inspiring messages from the Universe to the recipient. And you can also become a member of tut.com as membership has so many more priveleges in addition to those fabulous emails.
And 090909, as I write this which is tomorrow, is the big day for the global observance of the currency cleanse. I would be so thrilled to have as many energy workers as possible to participate in the event and see what love can do for the health of our global fiscal fitness. To find out more about the currency cleanse, please visit http://www.friendsofthelawofattraction.com/Currency_Cleanse.html
Thank you. I love you.
Tuesday, September 8, 2009
Day 20, Tiara Tuesday, September 8, 2009
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