Saturday, September 12, 2009

you just never know

I watch Jimmy Fallon. I admit it. And I enjoy it. Last night, I was surprised to see he's already been on long enough to have @rustyrockets Russell Brand, back on the show. They talked about the first time he was on and how their Twitter experiment with a guy in the audience, @BryanBrinkman was going. They also suggested everyone watching deluge Bryan with nice tweets to see what happens.

So, I sent Bryan a tweet and checked out his page only to find out he is designing t-shirts. He started a Twitter hashable #DesignAShirtAWeek that I have now taken to the level of being a club, since I considered myself joining. You see, I, too, design t-shirts.

What is just wonderful, cool and I feel so appreciative for is by simply having some fun, I have heard of another internet venue that you can upload your designs to and sell t-shirts. And it is great 'cuz they are a little more interactive. They even include a way to insert the design into a blog. So, I thought, what the heck, I'll try that.

Not that I am able probably at this moment to give Bryan more exposure (and sort of as a thank you for all of this) than Jimmy Fallon, but here is his week two design.
Zilla Meets Boy tee by bryanbrinkman. Available from

Here is my answer and my first addition to the MySoti universe:
nb2c originality reigns tee by nb2cDorkBjork. Available from

And my week two entrance (so I can be on par with Bryan now):
nb2c Not Born 2 Kiss UR BLEEP tee by nb2cDorkBjork. Available from

Thank you. I love you.

That's all.

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