Whoo Hoo!
I had written earlier that I was waking up with the need to amp my vibe 'cuz I didn't just wake up feelin' good and lovin' life, which is the American Well-Being catch phrase.
Now here it is only day 23 and this morning I did wake up feelin' good and lovin' life...really appreciative. And I have so much I want to do regarding Big Ideas for on-line presences and the like and yet, when I actually got to my computer and started going through my routine...I'm just not feelin' it.
I know part of it is 'cuz I spent almost all day yesterday "chained" (there's a feeling word for you) to my computer. And while I loved what I was doing, and technically what I did a second ago should have no influence on what I am inspired to do in this wonderful, amazing, magical present moment of NOW...I can see that I do allow that to influence how I feel.
Remember, I want to be the thermometer, not the thermostat. Still, I am going to honor that and look to do something that easily amps my vibe and I feel good enjoying. I'm not sure what that is yet, but I wanted to write about how I can let it be okay for me to go and do what I feel inspired to go and do.
Feelings...open heart...love it.
And I continue to toy with the phrase I am longing to design something around.
Any comments:
Where love is fear is not. Fear is not where love is.
Love is where fear is not. Where fear is not love is.
Love is where fear is not. Where fear is not is love.
I won't say which I am leaning toward. I love that it helps me remain in trust in the support, love and blessings of the Divine and the Universe. And how this focus on this journey helps me be more aware of identifying myself as a being who is flowing and glowing with divine love well-being. I have this excellent guided meditation I can listen to that reminds me that the truth of me is that I am not my thoughts, my feelings, my emotions, etc. I am zero limits. I am the glory of God made manifest. I am pure potential in every moment of NOW, which is technically all there is. Don't look outside to define me. Look within. Feel within. Open my hear. Love is the most powerful solvent for fear. For where fear is love is not. Love is where fear is not. And now we have come full circle.
And so it is.
P.S. I would still love for anyone who is reading this to look into currency cleansing. Click here to find out more about it. And I created the malibu currency cleanse video which includes the exact intention you need to align with (and includes simply listening as your declaration of intent to the universe) and a lovely shout out of appreciation to the Divine for all the wealth being circulated in your life.
Thank you. I love you.
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1 month ago
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