Tiara Tuesday
I almost forgot and then the universe gave me a nudge. One of my FB friends' profile photog is of her wearing a tiara. I am going to be creating hub pages and squidoo lenses and think I should do one for Tiara Tuesday. It's really a state of mind...a feeling. If you wear a Tiara how do you feel? And really it is about feeling your royal Divine self that the Celtic Goddess (I was going to look this up) Dana talks about when channelled by Doreen Virtue. Tuesday 'cuz of the alliteration with Tiara.
This morning I was going to go to Point Dume in Malibu to film the sunrise and maybe do a little hike and even boogie board in the water. I left the house to late though. What's a little humorous to me is that I am not a morning person. I love being up later and sleeping in. So, one would think I maybe overslept. And I did set the alarm on my cell phone to make sure I did awake in time.
I couldn't sleep. Insomnia has never been something I've wrestled with. I usually can sleep anytime, anywhere. I am blaming it on the "challenge". I have so many ideas coming in. Well, I've always been a idea person, but I feel like these are inspired flowing and glowing well-being type of ideas. And so, if I have been entrusted with them I don't want to let them pass by. And now I realize I can make pages for Tiara Tuesday.
Anyway, so it wasn't I didn't get up in time, it was I didn't give myself enough time to get to Point Dume to feel comfortable about getting settled and in place to film before the actual sun comes up. And I'm intent on this 'cuz I already have plenty of digital images of sunset. Although, this moring as I was watching the sunrise from home, it made me think if I saw a photo of sunrise or sunset could I tell the difference. I don't know. Does it matter. I love that I my desire to do this is simply because I feel I would enjoy it.
So, Tiara Tuesday tomorrow. Why not? I mean someone came up with the Red Hat idea and look how that took off. I guess this is sort of on that same line. I also have ticket to see the Bonnie Hunt Show. I love her. Her movie, Return To Me. I love, love, love it. When I found out I was going, I watched it again but with the commentary. The movie seemed like such a labor of love and a sort of love note to the city of Chicago, where Bonnie grew up.
I don't like to be the screaming fan type. In a way I don't feel anyone deserves that sort of blind adoration. And yet, as I write this maybe we all do. However, I can admire and honor what they have created...I like that. So even though the idea for Tiara Tuesday came from watching Ellen, if I really had huevos I would get everyone together I am going with to see Bonnie's show tomorrow and we'd all wear Tiaras and we'd bring Bonnie one. So, we'll see how that goes. I mean why not, eh? No excuses. No one should be able to tell me if I can wear a tiara or not.
I think that is enough for today.
Except, of course, for my P.S. Just two more days until September 9, 2009 (090909). I'm still promoting currency cleanse. I am still for visioning and connecting with the vibration of currency and Global Fiscal Fitness flowing and glowing with well-being even beyond September 9, 2009. I think it is called maintenance. And I have already been practicing every day for the last couple of weeks. It takes maybe two minutes tops. Two minutes to cleanse and bless money, the money matrix and the fiscal fitness for the globe. Seems like a great investment to me considering that the truth is we are divine and eternal and loved and blessed and flowing and glowing with well-being. And so it is. Thank you. I love you.
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