Thank God for the 100-day open-heart challenge. I noticed someone else in the network had an AHA moment yesterday and I have to say mine was the above understanding.
How could I not feel glorious today? I was able to make the leap from "LOVE IS where fear is not...where fear is not IS LOVE.", which is a true statement...but sort of to the next level as it is not the entire story. LOVE IS ALWAYS PRESENT...and thus, real. Fear is simply an illusion 'cuz if you take your attention off it, you find it disappears.
So, like I said yesterday, let me off the hamster wheel. I was thinking that at this point I built stepping off into something so huge that I feel like stepping off will be like a huge drop and something to I could somehow get hurt (which is sort of silly for I am divine and eternal) only to find the step down is only an inch or so. All that fear. All that worry.
You know just like love is always present, wealth is too. Love is abundant by definition. Same with health. Same with flowing and glowing well-being.
It's always here...always.
You know I had lunch with my friend yesterday and was talking about the decision I thought I had to make and how I just couldn't understand how I could continually tell and treat someone like I love them because I do, do, do and they just couldn't believe it because of their own definition and beliefs about love.
Have you every had that happen as you say something? It's almost like I wanted to yell out, "BINGO!" or "Yahtzee!" or "Ding, ding, ding!" Love is always present, health, wealth, beauty and every good thing that describes Divine LOVE. And it's almost like I keep asking for manifestations of Divine Love to show up in my life and they are here NOW, but I am not perceiving them. So, here is Divine LOVE practically yelling, "here, I am here, see me, I love you. I've always loved you. I'll keep on loving you until the end of time, which technically is never going to happen. So, get off the treadmill 'cuz there is nothing wrong with you and there technically is no one who can take away love from you or wealth or health or beauty except you."
I'd been calling it SELF eye-dentity theft. But I wasn't trusting my own unfolding. I bet it was a year ago where I had one of those AHA moments. I still have a landline at home. I'm not entirely sure why. I continue to contemplate getting rid of it. I think it's 'cuz I like its reception and I have it connected to one of those answering machines so I can screen calls.
Anyway, one day about a year ago someone left a message for Rosie. My name is Lori. It was so easy for me to simply flat-out, 100% tell myself "that's not me!" and be done with it. Don't look back. And it occurred to me that if I wanted to get off that hamster wheel then I would use that analogy for thinking about myself as I move forward as anything but the truth of my divine self.
Remember as Rumi said, "You are not just a drop in the ocean. You are the mighty ocean in the drop."
Last night I was so jazzed up with it all I could barely sleep.
I was so inspired I created a design in my head, but decided to wait until today to create it digitally.
You know when I first got on the spiritual path and I would read things like don't watch the news and stop gossiping and stuff like that because it affects your vibe, I was so into it at the time I remember thinking "what will I talk to people about then?"
And in this new level, part of me feels like if I don't have to worry about anything anymore and I know I don't need to be "fixed" or "healed" anymore, what will I do now? And/or what will I talk about with people now?
The thoughts flowed in something to the effect that now your motivation and desires will shift from fear-based and what do I have to do to survive to experiencing simply for the joy of it. "Let me try this. That was fun. Let me try that now." And so on.
Of course, I must "pimp" my new design here.
I think it is so interesting when we stop to really look at our beliefs and the like how so many are very contradictory and really not reasonable.
It's why I loved this saying when I saw it and it seemed to "beg" me to design something around it. The fact it involves promoting PEACE didn't hurt either.
"Fighting for peace is like screwing for virginity."
And P.S. I'm still cleansing currency. I'm still about inspired giving. And I have started a new blog about t-shirt designing. So, if you design t-shirts, please contact me. I'd love to feature you in the blog.
And is this a coincidence? Don't tell me Divine Love doesn't love a great "wink" to us all. Tomorrow, through a friend of a friend, I will be digitally filming the grand opening of a place for all sorts of spiritually-based activities to take place in Beverly Hills. The name of the venue, Heaven on Earth. A sign?
Love to all and Namaste.

As mentioned earlier, the shirt shown below is the same design as the shirt above but tailored to those who like the designs on their t-shirts to be a little less out there.

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