How distracted are you from the truth?
I have been listening to my Steve G. Jones recording consistently for the last 10 days or so, especially seeking to listen just as I awake and right before going to sleep. I feel like I am having some great insights. And I am so thrilled.
It motivated me to desire to hop right to writing my blog, but first certain physical bodily functions called. And how am I going to help myself if I am not totally honest with myself. If anyone recalls, I got the recording to alter my body image. So, after 10 days to look in the mirror and not feel like I could see much difference, my knee-jerk reaction (purposely notice the words jerk and reaction) was to feel something in vibrational harmony with "bad". Just not sure what the perfect word to describe the feeling is.
And what is my change I am seeking with this challenge. To love everything. To not be distracted by "shiny" objects or latch on to things I have been programmed to feel bad about. Remember: no amount of feeling bad in any moment can emit a vibration of feeling good or love.
After the initial "knee-jerk" subsided, I at least was able to shift my perception and remind myself that my desire is to be, feel and see me the way Divine LOVE does.
Which riffed me right into my new saying I made up to help me with fulfilling my desire, "LOVE IS where fear is not...where fear is not IS LOVE."
I can understand that in every present moment all possibilities are available. When I choose love in that moment, the other possibilities fall away. When I choose fear (or any form fear may present itself as) in the moment, all possibilities fall away. What I remembered this morning is that the one constant regardless of which possibility I choose in any given present moment is that the DIVINE is always there...always present. I just may not be able to perceive the presence of the divine in that moment because I am distracted by the seeming dual presence of fear in that moment.
It seems to me then that it stands to reason that if the Divine is actually always present in every moment, then any perceived fear we are distracted by ultimately can not come to stay, but must come to pass.
And as I continue to remind myself, it shows up so I can love it and let it pass. That I truly don't believe that it is Divine LOVE who wants me to have or experience any fear...that all of that are human beliefs. So love those too.
What was most inspiring and exciting is that (and I am excited to write this so I can help myself hold onto this feeling) I have come full circle with why I desired to create American Well-Being and be a champion for well-being. So I will cease being distracted by all the "I need to be fixed. I need to know the secret. I need to 'heal' me." beliefs.
No spiritual practice can make me more spiritual...make me more of what I already am. Truth is I am spiritual in totality with parts of me being spirit in form in the physical world.
No spiritual practice can make me more divine. To quote Rumi (and thanks to Deepak Chopra for sharing this quote on Facebook) "You are not just a drop in the ocean. You are the mighty ocean in the drop."
So it is enough for this blog post to leave myself and those reading to ponder the ways you distract yourself from being, feeling and/or seeing yourself as already spiritual, already divine, already flowin' 'n glowin' with well-being?
I wonder what I might experience today, manifest in my life, when my inner vision is focused on moving from being focused on the perception that I am anything but the truth of who I am. If I can't be, feel or see me...believe me to be the truth of who I am in perception, I truly have no hope of experiencing me as being this in the physical.
To leave on a more positive note, I share this post from Nina Ferrell. It's an Abraham-Hicks quote. "You could stand here sick with ten illnesses today, and tomorrow have no evidence of any of them. Your body has the ability to replenish itself that fast. But most of you do not have the ability to change your thoughts that fast. So the amount of time that it takes between sickness and wellness is only the amount of time that it takes for me to figure out how to let it in."
I love you. Thank you. Namaste. Bless you.
P.S. As I was just about to wrap up, I realized that I sort of tell you what to do here but don't really give you a tool to help you accomplish. Again, ho'oponopono just seems to be that tool. The gist of the four phrases, those 10 powerful words is that as you say "I love you." You are connecting and directing this feeling to Divine LOVE. (not to mention you are in that moment vibrating and emitting love as your point of attention and point of attraction).
As you say (whether out loud or inwardly) "I'm sorry. Please forgive me." This is more for your self. Divine Love has never seen you in any way that would demand forgiveness. So you are basically asking yourself for forgiveness for being distracted from the truth of who you are: spiritual, divine, awesome, magnificent, powerful, flowing and glowing ALWAYS with well-being.
And of course, because you are more and more becoming aware and uncovering the truth of who you really are, you do forgive yourself. Thus the final two words are appreciation for self, Divine LOVE and all that is: "Thank you."
As my friend Bray Yates says, "Rinse. Lather. Repeat. As necessary."
Dr. Hew Len suggests in every moment 24/7.
P.P.S. I am still for currency cleansing, which as I mention is basically doing for currency, money, the money matrix and all things wealth related what you do for yourself when you say those 10 ho'oponopono words. Money and wealth and flowing and glowing lavish abundance have always been the only thought in Divine Mind. They are and only ever have been expressions of Divine Love. So, again, for being distracted by the virus of scarcity and perceiving currency, money and wealth as any way but the truth, this process (and if you desire to make it easy, simply direct the ho'oponopono "I love you. I'm sorry. Please forgive me. Thank you." to Divine Love in reference to your mistaken beliefs and feelings about money) helps transform the energy you have around money and wealth. Then simply bless it, see it blessing you and see it blessing anyone and anything it touches as it is circulated back out into the global economy. Even if you don't do it for you, imagine how this would bless you personally if you bless all of your wealth in this manner.
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