Aloha! Just a little snapshot of peace for you today.
How is everyone on this International Day of Peace. Peaceful, I hope.
Peace is with you always. Just like love, it's always here. You just may be distracted from its presence 'cuz your attention is elsewhere.
So, ho'oponopono, self I-dentity and I-dentity theft.
P.S. This week speaking of ho'oponopono (I'm going to do a squidoo page called ho'oponopono hotline as sort of a forum for finding out about ho'oponopono and sharing experiences as you practice it) and other things with a Hawaiian theme, there's a web presence, www.mahalo.com, that looks quite interesting. Mahalo is the Hawaiian word for "thank you". They are based out of Santa Monica and have only been around for two years, but it looks like an interesting concept. I just have other things I feel like I should get done first...okay, I don't like the word should. Let me rephrase, I like to think of myself as more of a FIFO (that's accounting lingo for first in first out) kind of gal.
Anyway, back to understanding better now how the ho'oponopono and the "I'm sorry. Please forgive me." are perfect.
So, ho'oponopono is 10 words you repeat to yourself.
I love you.
I'm sorry.
Please forgive me.
Thank you.
Ho'oponopono is about taking full responsibility for personal well-being. As Dr. Joe Vitale and Dr. Hew Len call it, the place of Zero Limits or Peace of I, self peace. How "woo woo" to write about this today.
The I love you is directed at Divine Love with the intention of connecting with this presence (which is the truth of who you really are, BTW) and sharing your love.
"I'm sorry. Please forgive me." that is for you. Divine Love is secure in Its Identity and in Divine Mind there is NEVER (and I repeat NEVER) a reason for forgiveness. There's nothing to forgive. It's ALL GOOD there.
How I am perceiving it now is that if you don't at this very moment of NOW...this magical, wonderful, amazing, divine moment of NOW...I-dentify with yourself as the truth of you as you were created by Divine Love, as your Higher Self, as the epitome of flowing and glowing well-being, love, peace, health, wealth, joy, beauty, et al, then you are technically stealing from yourself in that moment.
You are buying into the virus. You are on the hamster wheel. You are basically being blind to the truth.
I mean think about it. If someone stole what you felt was yours, you'd probably be angry. Well, technically, when you take full responsibility for your well-being, you understand that the only person who can really steal from you (even though outwardly it may appear someone else has stolen from you) IS YOU!!!
Now if someone harms you, don't you expect them to apologize so you may forgive them? Well when you get to this level of embracing full responsibility for your well-being (and possibly using ho'oponopono as a tool to help you with this process), in any moment you are not aligned with Divine LOVE, flowing and glowing well-being, you are stealing from yourself and the "I'm sorry. Please forgive me." is then your way of atoning for your self-theft.
Hopefully, 'cuz at this point you do understand the truth of who you are (even if you are not yet able to embrace its fullness in manifestation in every glorious present moment of now), you are happy to forgive yourself. And you end with "thank you."
Now I have to say that in the beginning of embracing ho'oponopono and this whole total responsibility thing, the "I'm sorry. Please forgive me." part of the process felt somehow wrong. There really wasn't much joy vibration in that part for me. It somehow seemed like I was continuing to vibrate in alignment with being wrong or bad or something like that.
So I am thrilled to have found a way to put it in a more loving context. If my child hurt them self because they didn't know better, would I be upset? Would I think they are bad or wrong or something like that? No. I would simply love them and move forward.
I understand now that it is a very loving thing for me to do for me, as I ask myself to forgive myself for all the ways I have kept myself from fully loving and enjoying flowing and glowing well-being in my life in every present moment of NOW. And as I love myself this much, I radiate a more concentrated vibration of divine love, well-being and peace.
This morning someone called my home phone number asking for "Rosie" again. I had to almost laugh because as they asked for someone who clearly isn't me, it made me remember what I have been sharing on this blog with letting it be that easy for me to remember that I am not the virus and I don't have to "cop" to having any attributes of the "virus" even if I haven't fully manifested in every area the truth of my well-being self, my Peace of I.
And I was thinking that as I become more secure in my true identity, my Peace of I, instead of feeling like I want to run away from those who seem to want to "suck" me back into the virus, I will know instead there is no need to run. I will be able to stand strong and confident in divine truth and being this self-generating beacon of divine light and love and flowing and glowing well-being, I will be like a tuning fork for the divine.
If you don't know what a tuning fork is, well, a tuning fork when activated brings everything around it into vibrational alignment with it.
That must be like the bonus plan. You be your truth, Peace of I, flowing and glowing well-being, and with no effort, simply by being who you are, you are able to help others shift their vibrational frequency in tune with your own.
How divine!
(P.S. remind me I want to mention right of consciousness knowledge this week also and Deepak Chopra's new book)
P.P.S. I'm still on my virtual iCurrencyCleanse promotion tour. The same with inspired giving. You find out more about both by visiting http://www.friendsofthelawofattraction.com
Peace be with you. Of course, as peace is in you.
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