As mentioned yesterday, I had the immense pleasure of attending the opening of the Heaven on Earth LA Center (7122 Beverly Blvd, LA, CA 90036, 310.804.3093 http://www.heavenonearthla.com)
You know sometimes I am so thrilled that I've had the opportunities I've enjoyed on my spiritual path to spend a lot of time alone doing what I desire and having very little "seeming" outside influence on how I define and see myself. It seems like it makes it easier to stay in the peace as much as possible and be more observant whose voice is in my head, etc.
It also helped me notice that for the most part I didn't care so much about how I looked or what I was doing unless I felt the need to be out in public or interacting with others.
So with the new and oh, so wonderful shift in perception of myself about love and well-being and beauty and wealth and health and those types of things...as a reminder, since these are descriptions of divine identity then these are descriptions of my I-dentity. That these are states of being. Unchangeable. Not decisions about me. And these attributes of my true I-dentity are always present even if I choose not to see them or define myself in such a way.
It's like binary code. They are always ON unless I purposely turn them off and choose to think I am something I am not.
And the thing about deciding I would not let myself get sucked in to any sort of "I need to be healed, something is wrong with me" which I consider living life as if you are the hamster running on the wheel in the cage.
Anyway, what was wonderful about yesterday, besides all the new wonderful things and other divine brothers and sisters I was introduced, is that it was a chance to see how much I could maintain this self I-dentity.
I really noticed how much I am caught up in the whole body image thing and that I have some sort of bizarre expectation that if I don't look a certain way who will really want to know me or like me.
And while as I write this I can see very clearly how totally silly this is and how I don't even expect it of anyone else...it still is in me. So, instead of resist it, I chose to love it as much as I could. And truth is when I was really in the moment of filming what was going on and enjoying myself, I really didn't have it in my awareness.
I did notice at one point when someone felt my shoulders and asked me what was wrong with me that I was so tight in my shoulders, instead of (remember my phone analogy of someone calling asking for Rosie and me easily being able to say, that's not me...you have the wrong number) mentioning my new truth and embracing this opportunity to say that's not me, I am flowing and glowing with well-being, etc., I let myself experience this person's healing.
Here's what could be a little interesting. I know on one level what this person was doing was sharing their gift with me and extending this service as a form of love. Yet every time I affirm that I am in need of healing, I've turned off the light of truth that is who I am.
Remember when I said that initially, being honest, I got into spirituality to feel better about me. To love myself more. At the time, I didn't understand that I am spiritual. It is the very essence of my being. And no matter how many spiritual exercises I do, none of them can ever technically make me more spiritual than you or any other spiritual being on this planet or in the universe or the cosmos, etc. Only to realize this now about love and well-being and wealth and health and beauty and joy and you get the gist.
Well, it's clear this next step by not engaging in the virus, by being clear about the truth of who I AM is so very desirable if for no other reason that it now keeps me from stealing from myself.
If I am wealth and I know I am wealth and I am always wealth...no one or nothing can change this or ever take this away from me. It's not something I have. It's not something I choose. It is who I am. I walk away from all the thoughts, feelings and beliefs that have held me hostage and believing that somehow, some way someone else can ever keep me from my wealth or that wealth comes from any one or any thing or any way than SOURCE.
Okay, that's enough for today.
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