Hey, all you party people.
Isn't life amazing?
Isn't this 100-day challenge the bomb?
I believe you know how I would answer those questions.
So, I totally missed what I wanted to designate as "False Friday". And partly because I realized that I was having some issues with seeing me as Truth and not as "false".
Maybe the way to explain it is that I had this amazing insight that "If I am judging some things as divine and others as not...well, that is judgment, eh?" And with the truth of ho'oponopono, when I see or believe or perceive me based on what my physical eyes see and not my Divine eyes, then it so brings home with an even more "feeling" feeling the "I'm sorry. Please forgive me."
I found myself fearful about the physical size of my body and/or the seeming amount of my cash in hand in the moment. Only to realize that if I am placing attention on me as being overweight and not who I am in the view of Divinity, then I am putting more energy on manifesting me as being overweight. You know, 'cuz it is where my attention is. And as far as the amount of money I appear to have.
Well, I continue to be committed to currency cleansing and blessing all wealth that comes to me, but also that what if my belief, 'cuz Divinely it is true, that as I have money or any wealth and I am thrilled to circulate it that what I am doing is stimulating the FLOW of wealth. And that even though it should be enough (and remember I don't enjoy the word "should" 'cuz on one level I understand that we are all already PERFECT just as we are and so it is NEVER my job to should you) to simply flow wealth, I also benefit on the backend because I know that as I flow out, more is flowing in to me for my enjoyment.
So, part of me was worried 'cuz I will be joyously participating in the celebration of my cousin's 27th birthday on Sunday, September 27th and what could I give him that would be mah-velous dahling?
It's interesting to me when I think about it that somehow he has been the person who I have had this sort of tradition where now it is like what can I give him that answers the question "something you've always never known you've wanted and yet...now that you have it...? And yet, because I still haven't flowed an actual manifestation of a billion dollars...isn't so much about the money but more about "how much fun can we make it?"
And I found myself at the beginning of this week in a sort of fear, panic mode thinking that I couldn't pull out my intention where this is concerned. What has been amazing about the 100-day challenge and all I am going through is that even though this was my "knee-jerk" response, the Higher Self of me was like don't let that voice sway you. Remember who you are? and so on.
So, here is is one day before the party and without my having to really figure it out, my wonderful (he is totally an angel) man, suggests we go to downtown L.A. to see if we might get inspired.
Downtown L.A. (close to the Fashion District...which is where this season's Project Runway, which I love 'cuz I am a sewer and am the kind of person who would see a pattern in a store that looked similar to what I had in mind but not quite there and I knew I could alter it to make it my own and I loved this) is the place where he feels comfortable. The place where it is almost a plus if you speak Spanish or some sort of Asian language and you are able to buy at about the most wholesale of a price possible.
As we walked around the maze (and seriously, it is like a maze 'cuz you could easily get lost amidst the halls and corridors and alleys, etc. where these shops are located) and knowing my cousin's love for the Dodgers and my now many joyous participations in Manny's grand niece's and nephew's birthday party that how much fun would it be to have mostly 27-year olds enjoy the pinata experience?
Seriously, my cousin technically doesn't NEED anything. To me when most of us are in that place where technically we don't NEED anything, what becomes more cherished is experiencing something that is fun but you didn't expect.
So, we got him a pinata. The thing I hadn't realized before moving here and enjoying all the different experiences I've enjoyed, is that the pinata comes empty. Or at least the to me what I envision as a pinata. As a side note, we were told the new hot pinata to have is one that is already loaded up with many different types of sports balls that birthday participants would be thrilled to end up with as a gift from the pinata experience.
I decided for a birthday party that is supposed to be more about fun and a party that will include mostly people his age is that I would fill it with things that could be practicle, but would also be a little more private. For instance, condoms, diapers, toilet paper and the great stand-by "chiclets". To me it would be fun to see who would go for what and especially since my cousin is a Vegan and most likely most of his friends are as well. So, the chiclets are the most food type thing we included in the pinata.
I also am psyched because our gift (my Man's, Manny and mine) will include Manny in charge of pinata placement. Manny didn't want to hit the pinata. So, his job while he is on my Aunt and Uncle's garage roof will be to dangle the pinata in such a way as to get participant's to take a swing without allowing them to connect with the pinata. These are powerful, older adults. We need and desire the fun to last as long as possible. My additional contribution will be filming the experience with the hope that all involved will be game to allow themselves to let the kid in them takeover and enjoy the entire pinata experience even though most of them will be in their late 20's.
I also want to share how on Thursday I had an amazing breakthrough where I just wanted to practically shout out to the entire universe how I realized that if I am judging certain things to be divine and others as not divine...that is judgment.
Also, that how interesting it is that judgmental is a combo pack of the words "judge" and "mental", which to me, more or less make them the poster children for beliefs and not facts.
So, today as I was walking around downtown L.A. where people who are more an affinity with immigrants, and recent like now or first level immigrants, go to do biz and where you can pretty much get anything wholesale price and about as low as you will find something in L.A., and when I compared that to my experience of last Saturday as I attended the Grand Opening of Heaven on Earth L.A..........I found myself realizing how easy it is to perceive last Saturday's experience as being Divine and how before today, I would have perceived today's experience as Divine, not so much.
But people, there is only divinity. And both are Divine. And if I am perceiving any other way, I am stealing and cheating my self.
The other thing that happened today that I loved is that my man, Manny, who I never would have expected to go with me to one of my spirituality-type places agreed to go. I am not going to try to assume his motivation for this blog post 'cuz truth is I may never actually know his true motivation. What was interesting to me is that the place we were close to that he agreed to go to is the Peace Labyrinth Gardens in L.A. And when we got there, it technically was closed. I didn't remember Saturday was their closed day.
When you find the place and pull into their driveway, you are greeted with a gate and an intercom system that requires you to push the button and to let them know why you are there. So in talking to the voice on the intercom we realized this is my third visit (last time I was also turned away). Second visit they were technically closed also. So, pity, whatever for my third visit and with my promise I would forever remember they are closed on Saturday, we were allowed to come in and walk the labyrinth.
What I found interesting is that three other people stopped us to inquire as to why we were there 'cuz Saturday's are closed to the public. You know 'cuz I have the consciousness that there are no accidents, which is a whole other thing in my mind. It's sort of like the thing I mention with stepping out of the hamster cage when it comes to having problems and then deciding I am going to accept the consciousness that problems only exist if you believe they do...
Anyway, what was such a gift or that I was so thrilled about is that it seems like any man I have ever been in a relationship with has not shared my spiritual bent. That's not to say they aren't Divine. And one of the things I love most about Manny is that he seems to be more of who I would love to be in the sense of expressing a person who is peaceful and happy and loves life and is generous, etc. without going through all the gyrations I feel I need to go through in order to be on his level.
Maybe the better way to explain it is that I don't really share my spirituality. And so to share this with him and feel like he loves me enough to share it with me even if he thinks I'm a "nut job"...well, it meant a lot to me.
So, I was so excited to have us walking the labyrinth together I sort of couldn't really remember the purpose of walking the labyrinth. And yet, how could I remember. There are probably as many good reasons to walk the labyrinth in a walking meditation as there are original snowflakes in the history of time.
I was able to share two of my favorites. One is that as you walk...you feel like you are more and more letting go of anything that is "troubling" you. And the other is that you use the entire time it seems to require to walk the entire labyrinth to be in gratitude. For if truth is that the more you are grateful, the more you attract things to be grateful for...well,
Yet, since I truly do not believe in coincidence (and I am so thrilled with the whole if you stay in the moment and in every moment realize that this moment is awesome and so you can trust that every present moment will be awesome even if you don't know at this moment how that will be true) there is obviously something in the fact we were allowed to participate even though we were reminded three times that this usually is not allowed, I'm also going to let myself be okay enough to not try to figure out what the deal was. Instead, I desire to simply be grateful that even though technically it was closed, we were allowed in.
So, life is wonderful. And if the length of this post because I missed just one day is an indicator to write every day...well, still, the message is the same. As we continue to correct our thoughts, feelings and beliefs to be more aligned with truth...our lives become so much more amazing and wonderful and without seeming to have so much "work" to do so.
Most every Friday evening I have dinner with my aunt and uncle who live in town. Because of my cousin's party, my aunt said maybe we should simply blow off this Friday. Only to have my friend come to me to get together Friday evening to help her with a letter of intent for a job she would love to have.
And so as I continue with this challenge and get more into ho'oponopono, I so have more of a feeling as I put those 10 words out there to the Divine, "I love you. I'm sorry. Please forgive me. Thank you."
And I had a point that seemed worthy of writing about and sharing, it seems to escape me at this moment. And so I know it will emerge when it is more appropriate.
If nothing else, though, I can so see how much I have "seen" myself with human vision and not divine vision and defined myself as something so very, very much less than the way Divine perceives me. So, when I repeat the 10 words, there is so much more intent and emotion behind the words.
Okay, this is definitely enough for today.
Thank you again to all of you who read this whenever you find yourself attracted to this blog post. Thank you to all of you who share my life with me. Thank you to God and love. I do feel blessed. And, I know I am more and more flowing and glowing with well-being than I ever expected to.
P.S. Still loving currency cleanse and inspired giving. If you are interested in finding out more, http://www.friendsofthelawofattraction.com
P.P.S. How would this change your life if:
1. You understood that in any moment you let go of money or wealth in whatever divine form, you knew your were stimulating the flow of wealth in your life, and
2. You continued to affirm that as the truth of You that You are, money WORKS for You (not vice-versa). For it is the joy of joys of the Universe and forms of Divinity to support us in ways that are joyous and amazing and awesome and blessed in every moment if we will simply believe this is the truth of the way Divine Love always intended for us.
Whoo hoo!
I love you.
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