I love the people on FB who seem really appreciative for everything. I want to be that being 24/7. I have time, right? I am eternal.
I'm also not a huge fan of James Arthur Ray, but he is a FB friend and today I loved his post. "Since you can choose your own beliefs, choose three new, empowering beliefs that will assist you in living the life you desire and deserve."
I believe I mentioned in an earlier blog that I've been having tons of inspiration. Almost more than I can handle in the sense of getting them out in a seeming timely fashion. One inspiration was to create a "what if" channel on YouTube.
I sort of have to laugh 'cuz I didn't get it at first that I could have my own YouTube channel and now that I am loving (and I would have never guessed I would love this...so you never know unless you try) using my digital movie camera and have over 50 "shows" on my channel (and not that I am the greatest or anything but ametuer, but I like that I am ametuer)...I get it.
So, I so could see clearly in my mind a channel dedicated to "what if's". Beyond the awesome occurrence of seemingly having an inspiration simply show up in your consciousness, the "what if" seems to be a very close relation to imagination and the creative process.
My actual inspiration has to do more with asking those wonderful well-beings under 10 years of physical age things like, "What if cows are purple, then what color do you think their milk will be?" or "What if you were president." or "What if you were a super hero, what super power would you have?" Things like that.
And then with the way you can grow a channel and get subscribers and connect with hub pages and squidoo lenses and the like so you get some income coming in via ads, etc. to somehow connect it all so that the kids who participate could get money donated to their school. And somehow fashion it so that kids would have real experience ways of the different things they can do and create on the internet.
This is my challenge to you and I today in marrying the "what if" with the you can believe anything, "what if you replaced three disempowering beliefs with three empowering ones, how do you feel your life would change?"
Now go.
And you know what? I had a thought I wanted to share in today's blog and it totally escaped me and so I started writing all this and as I finished, it popped back in. Interesting. Amazing.
It did have a "what if" reference and it had to do with living in the moment. And it had to do with what if we really were be able to not only let go of every past moment so far, but we forgot everyone of those past moments...so each moment was fresh...refreshed and fresh. It sort of blows my mind because there would be no continuity. But then I would let go of what appears to be a somewhat crippling belief that for the most part for me is if it has never happened for me before, what has changed that makes me expect something I desire (and has neverhappened for me before) will suddenly appear for me today?
Which I know is a silly belief because lots of things I have never experienced before happen in my life.
I think sometimes it is like the saying, you can make anything with a really good recipe or really great instructions. And for some things I feel like I just want that definitive set of instructions and then move on. Somehow I can't seem to get my hand on that recipe. Which makes me think, "what if I did?"
P.S. I continue to take the time every day to ask for the currency to be cleansed. And just as I wrote this maybe I should update so that if you have asked once, then subsequent practice should be appreciating the willingness of the Divine to maintain the cleansing of our currency. "What if" someone asked me for the same thing every day? How would I feel? Okay, this is interesting.
Also, if you would be so willing, I will continue to promote "inspired giving". To check out "inspired giving", click here. After, you can check out currency cleanse by clicking on the currency cleanse page. Thank you.
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1 month ago
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