Happy 090909 to all.
I am thrilled I made it to Point Dume (pronounced Du-may, which I happily learned today before getting my video out there and mispronouncing it). I fear I was a tidge late for the technical moment the sun rose on the horizon, but I'm not sure I could have seen it and if I couldn't my camera most likely wouldn't. Although, sometimes I get a kick out of what the camera does capture for it technically has no POV and simply records what is there as is. So sometimes when I review what I've filmed I am pleasantly amazed to see something I would have otherwise missed. I digress.
I am thrilled to have put together a video which is on YouTube but also now on the http://www.friendsofthelawofattraction.com/Currency__Cleanse page. It's my sort of love letter and spin on the currency cleanse video Peggy Black did (and yes, you can still find that video on YouTube and on the friends home page for now).
I was also thrilled to do my actual currency cleanse meditation moment parked at El Porto in Manhattan Beach this morning at 09:09 AM. I sort of had a chill and simultaneous buzz as I chose this particular time to feel connected with all that is Divine and those around the globe who may have been doing the same as I in that wonderful moment of space and time.
I was also a little surprised 'cuz I didn't plan it and 'cuz something seemed different at Point Dume compared to last time I was there. No wind. Very little wave action. And no surfers. But not at El Porto. They were lined up and riding the waves. Lots of action. I wish I could have stayed longer. For someone who doesn't consider herself to have trouble sleeping, I had another two hour sleep night or should I say at least last night I got two hours before leaving for Malibu.
Plus, I find it interesting how sometimes (and I wish I could figure it out better to duplicate it better) that old saying "careful what you ask for" really rings true. I felt like I had been spending so much time inside and on the computer and was actually feeling a little sorry for myself. Now truth is I wasn't totally sad 'cuz it had been so freakin' hot out that I was happy to be inside practically blowing my fan directly on me.
I mention this 'cuz on the way back from Malibu as I was listening to the Mark and Bryan show on KLOS, there was much mention of different events going on since today is 090909. Vegas expects to have record numbers of wedding ceremonies today. Love is in the air, people. It also is the day Santa Monica chose to formally celebrate the 100th anniversary of the pier with fireworks and the whole shebang. That's right, I said shebang.
Now we all know I am not the greatest or most talented film maker (I think I'm gonna get me a book on using my Sony Vegas Movie Studio software so I can get a bit more fancy) and I actually for now like it that way 'cuz then I just shoot what I like and I don't have to care about people critiquing. Still, as I mentioned to Manny I really think I want to go and film this. I mean how often does a 100th anniversary get celebrated for something? That's right. Don't get out your calculator. Every 100 years. I have a pretty good guess that I won't be around for the next one. And who knows who on YouTube may enjoy seeing what I capture with my digital view finder.
Please understand none of this is complaining. It is all part of my remembering my journey as I traverse this 100-day open-heart challenge.
I wish you a glorious rest of the day. If you are reading this before 09:09 PM on 090909, you still have a great opportunity to participate in the currency cleanse today. Thanks to all of you who read this and all who are participating in the currency cleanse. And if it is not to woo-woo, think of how my writing this now but your reading it now somehow transcends time and space to connect us and that of all the infinite beyond imagination of possible experiences either of us could be having in our present moment of NOW, this is the one we have somehow attracted and manifested. Woo Woo!
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