I appreciate all the feedback I receive from my blog posts. I had some positive feedback to my Tiara Tuesday post and a request to find out if I have anything else like that to share.
The answer is that I really didn't. However, it seemed once the question was asked, then something popped in my mind:
"Tell the Truth Thursday"
My inspiration was that as much as a person is able they identify them self on Thursday as simply the truth of who they are as seen in Divine Mind with Divine vision. You know, You, flowing and glowing with divine love well-being.
I also have a 40-day Laughing Buddha Fast that I am going to talk about in the next day or two.
I really like the idea of Tell the Truth Thursday.
It's just that a couple of minutes later the thought, "Thankful Thursday" popped in. Sort of had a ring to it. Later I remembered why. It's one of the things you are encouraged to tweet about on Thursdays for those of you who participate in the Twitterverse.
I was thinking for those who read this blog and are willing to participate, that we could take it to a different level. Some how, some way those willing to participate keep a list of everything you are grateful for during your waking hours on Thursday and then Friday, we compare numbers.
You know many advanced spiritual writings mention that a spiritual Master pretty much gets to the place where there really is only one thing to say and that is "thank you".
And here is what might make "Thankful Thursday" a little more fun. Don't limit your list to things or people from your past or your present. Remember, technically there is no space of time. So, you can include things that you expect (you know, what if desires were simply future memories...memories of the future) or call them future memories.
Maybe Friday could be False Friday sort of the reverse of Tell the Truth Thursday. Instead of really working on telling the truth, instead you pay special attention to all the things that come up in your awareness that are false according to the truth of who you are. When these moments appear in your awareness, you say the ho'oponopono prayer to clean your consciousness of this falsehood. And then at least three times during Friday you connect with Divine Love and mention, "Thank You, God, for restoring me to the perfection from which I emanated."
Okay, I think that is enough for now.
P.S. I'm promoting currency cleansing and inspired giving. And, ho'oponopono.
Thank you to everyone who reads my blogs and is inspired to participate on any level. I appreciate you and your time. Namaste.
Note to self. I want to ponder the following in a future blog: When I don't see you as your true identity, am I stealing from both of us? If I preassume anything about you except the truth of who you are.
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