Back in 1994 this friend of mine who is an Eckist (she belongs to a church called Eckankar) who was lovely enough to share her temple and some of their seminars and the like with me. Eckankar has what they refer to as a living spiritual master who might sort of be likened to the Pope for Catholics.
In the beginning when we would go to events and I knew this Master would be there, I would always be nervous because I thought that a Master was someone who could see all your faults and everything you'd ever done wrong and what a bad person you were and I hope you get the gist.
Later, I was enlightened enough to understand that nothing could be further from the truth. A true spiritual master sees each of us with Divine Eyes or with spiritual perfection. This is actually the way Jesus was technically such a powerful "healer". Jesus, the Christ, saw straight through whatever illusion his brother or sister child of God was under the "spell" of (literally a spell, which all mistaken beliefs...and let me be clear that a mistaken belief is one in discord with the truth of our divine self) which was manifesting as some form of illness.
Also, as Jesus, the Christ, was a tuning fork for Divine Love he was able to connect with that spark and return his brother or sister back to harmony with their innate flowing and glowing divine love well-being. As Jesus, the Christ, is and every shall be a tuning fork for the Divine it makes me wonder if the popular "WWJD?" would have been a more accurate slogan if it would have been "WWJB?" Who would Jesus be?
You know I almost didn't write this blog post and was going to save it. And then I realized, why? I am doing this just as much for anyone who reads this as I am doing it for my self. Why wait? The time is NOW. And remember, I have elevated myself to the unlimited plan. So, who's counting? And even if someone is counting, why should I let that deter me? If they have a blog, they can determine how many posts a day they will write. This is my blog.
Oooooh a little bit of a rant. I kind of enjoyed that.
Okay, so the real reason I was inspired to continue on is that as we make the transition from feeling like wealth is a decision to understanding that just like love, wealth is a state of being. Wealth is always and ever present. If we are not perceiving it, it is because we are being distracted by the virus of scarcity and/or trained to believe wealth can be absent and can only be present under certain conditions or certain "doings".
So, as you make the transition, even if outwardly it appears like nothing has changed, seek to keep looking again in each moment to see the wealth that is ever present.
I know something I tend to do is look outside to validate if I am "doing it right" inwardly with my consciousness. And if it hasn't shown up yet I tend to become frustrated and assume it won't. So, I'll stop looking for it and stop expecting it and assume there must be some other "secret" or "trick" I need to find out about and then....
Did you know God's delays are not God's denials?
Did you know that our consciousness isn't even really about asking. Manifestation isn't really about asking. It's more about a projection of intention and attention like the old time film projectors. Each frame of the film starts off blank and then filled based on the energy and vibration we radiate via our intention and attention. In other words, the answer is always "Yes". Yes to whatever is on the "film". Whatever is on the film is what gets condensed into matter and becomes material. Imagine then how your film may look in the universal projector if you are intending wealth while having your attention on the virus of scarcity. If your attention is distracted by the virus of scarcity, how can you expect to "see" wealth? The wealth that is ever present and the ONLY thoughts on the subject entertained in Divine Mind.
And if your mind needs for the time being to stick to the Law of Attraction paradigm of ask, believe, receive...then perhaps it is helpful to define specifically what the process of "asking" actually means to the universe and in regards to this universal law.
As with yesterday's design (which many of my designs come out of my desire to create a touchstone for me to help me remember something I desire to remember), I created today's with the idea that it is up to me (by taking full responsibility for my well-being) to see the ever present wealth and be aligned with the truth that wealth is who I AM.
What I found was interesting is that right after creating it and knowing I would include the design in this blog post and create a CafePress shop for it (not MySoti in this case because CafePress offers the ability to put the design on items that really would be more appropriate to being a touchstone like stickers or mouse pads or journals and such, to visit the shop, click here) the thought floated right up into my awareness that perhaps this was wrong or inappropriate or others would think I was bad for being so crass as to depict someone seeing dollar signs.
And yet, how perfect. It just goes to show that I have judgements about wealth and money in my consciousness that are not aligned with Divine Truth. As these float to the surface of my awareness it is an opportunity to cleanse them and replace them. 'cuz if they are in my consciousness, they are stealing from my wealth and full flowing and glowing divine love well-being experience I would be having in this present moment. Bring on the ho'oponopono.
And how will I know when I may cease with the cleansing? When I look at the design and only love surfaces.
Okay, I think I'm done. I got some cleaning to do. Blessings and Love to all of you. Happy Cleaning.
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