Thank you so much to Rebecca Marina, Prosperity Queen, for this exercise.
How to be a "Power Generator" for the planet.
In a recent meditation, spirit asked me to share a simple exercise with you.
Most of you who get my letters are "light workers".
You are doing a great service to others on the planet just by your willingness to share light.
Here is a "Power Generator" exercise from spirit:
A. Think of yourself as a power generator. Imagine you are absorbing millions of watts of light from sun or any of God's creation. Fill yourself up to overflowing. Then, imagine you are spraying this energy all over the world. Imagine you are traveling the universe on a magic carpet and spraying Light everywhere you go.
Why do this simple exercise?
Spirit says, there are many who feel so low, they cannot even conceive of absorbing any light by themselves. By being a Human power generator for them--you help a great deal. It is like "pre-digested spiritual food" for someone so weak they cannot feed themselves.
I bless you for listening and for doing the exercise. You may not know the tremendous good you do 'til you get back home to the other side.
You can find out more about Rebecca at http://www.rebeccamarina.com
Okay, I find it interesting how much I had been thinking about this exercise and that it might be a great practice and how it would be good to share.
Yet, as I was retyping it to include here (which actually was my only intention) I realized how much we can allow ourselves to blindly accept a diagnosis and treatment.
And how about a month ago, I would have been all over this.
Now I've told myself I have taken that leap (even though it really only was like a baby step) and jumped out of the hamster wheel into living from divine love, flowing and glowing well-being truth.
As I was watching last night's episode of the season premier of House the thought flowed in about my new favorite saying that begged me to design something around it, "fighting for peace is like screwing for virginity."
Well, seeing anyone or anything as less than flowing and glowing well-being as the way to manifest flowing and glowing well-being is like screwing for virginity.
I know I couldn't really come up with something more succinct and clever. I live with that.
Again, though, that is what Dr. Hew Len mentions. And it ties in with my design from yesterday with the peace signs placed in the eyes. How can I see discord and disease and anything but perfection "out here" and think that will ever allow me to see flowing and glowing divine love well-being "out here". I don't know what the icon for perfection or flowing and glowing well-being would be, but if I'm not seeing it...how can I ever expect it to manifest.
So, again it comes back to being so secure in who YOU ARE and who I AM and what everything is in truth the way it was meant to be perceived with divine vision, is that it is all perfect...all the glory of God made manifest. And to not allow myself to get sucked in to believing anything that isn't real or perceiving or seeing with my physical eyes anything that isn't real. And if I do, then I ask myself to forgive myself for this.
You know, I've known for over two years that their are only thoughts of wealth in divine mind. And I've paid for and sought out all sorts of practices that will help me manifest money and wealth. Only to feel like the real "trick" or "secret" and I don't even want you to pay me for this because you will only believe it will work if you are in a vibrational match with any of what I talk about in my blog.
Again, it's like the fighting for peace is like screwing for virginity. It's like the love is a state of being, not a decision. Well, wealth is a state of being, not a decision. At this point I truly believe that in divine mind there is never a debate about whether the I AM THAT I AM is poor or rich. Divine Mind has right of consciousness knowledge. Divine Mind knows thyself. Divine Mind knows it is the epitome of wealth and thus only sees and experiences wealth. Thoughts of poverty or not enoughness, etc. are never even engaged or contemplated.
Now I understand the real "trick" in all of this is that you may look with your physical eyes and think, feel or say "but I'm not rich, where's my money, I can't pay my bills" or whatever variation on that theme you tell yourself in any given moment. And know I am not immune. To me this has always been my "issue".
And I could even on some levels intuit over the last two years that all the continuing to feel lack is my "issue" was holding me back from the very thing I desired. And with the knowing Divine Mind only thinks wealth, I somehow understood that doing what Divine Mind does was the answer. Yet, I continued to feel like how can I claim my wealth and say I am wealthy and ONLY think thoughts of wealth when I look with my physical eyes and don't see it.
And I continued to stay on that hamster wheel of "so I just have to figure out how to get money, start a business, win the lottery, etc." and all the time there is another part of me that wanted the "Heaven on Earth" kind of understanding that my wealth comes ONLY from SOURCE regardless of my perceptions.
So, again, I can see that I MUST cease from letting myself be distracted from the shiny objects my gaze my be led to look at that try to convince me that the virus of lack and poverty are real. Now isn't that Mastery? I master my vision, inwardly and outwardly, to ONLY see the truth...to only perceive the truth...to only vibrate in harmony with the truth of flowing and glowing divine love well-being.
And for whatever reason, the idea that wealth is a state of being, not a decision...well, I just know that will help me Master what I seek to master.
Then I will no longer be "secreting" for wealth is like screwing for virginity. I will be "being divinely wealthy for wealth is like abstaining from sex for virginity."
And in those moments of NOW before I reach the tipping point where my consciousness just automatically takes over this process for me and I truly become on every level "being divinely wealthy", I most certainly will continue with my ho'oponopono.
To the divine as I make the love connection, I say, "I love you."
To myself for stealing from my perfect well-being with a mistaken thought, word, deed or feeling, I will lovingly say, "I'm sorry. Please forgive me."
To myself for the forgiveness and to Divine Love for cleaning and clearing this imperfect vibration and replacing it with pure Divine Love, I lovingly say, "Thank you."
And so it is.
And to all of you out there who show up in my life to either help me clear all in my consciousness unlike divine love and flowing and glowing well-being or to all of you who show up in my life simply to share the love, I say,
"Thank you. I love you."
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