How's this for synchro-destiny? I've been hungrily reading Deepak Chopra's new book, Reinventing the Body, Resurrecting the Soul. I've noticed lately that what seems to be unfolding in my life and questions I am asking are coming up at the same time I find Dr. Chopra is about to finish and publish a new book that answers my questions. As for me and my physical body, this is perfect for me right now. I feel a new personal challenge going on to practice what he teaches in his new book for the next 50 days.
At the same time just ten minutes before I found it on Facebook is Lilou's YouTube conversation with Dr. Chopra about the book. Loved it!
You know what though? It made me cry. Cry because I find that I love myself enough to want to heal my stuck energy. And cry because I have so much stuck energy in my body I've been carrying that I really didn't either want to be aware of or for whatever reason and it was like with this book I have given myself the permission to let it go. Permission to be less hard on myself. Permission to stop competing with the outer and understanding that it is really just me competing with something I can never win 'cuz I'll always change the bar or what the barometer is for winning.
Writing a blog called flowing and glowing well-being, I find reference in this book to following what he so eloquently shares I just know will surely enhance the flowing of well-being and my glowing with well-being in my life. I am so grateful.
I also found it interesting how I am seeing so clearly the power of a decision. For now I am going to leave it at that.
Okay, as I read over what I've written to this point just to make sure it doesn't sound too wacky, it occurred to me that I started the 100-day challenge with the same sort of excitement having just learned about ho'oponopono. And I think the thing that can be frustrating about energy work is that we may not be able to immediately "see" in our physical experience how something might actually be beneficial for us. So, (okay, I'll speak for myself) I tend to abandon it and move to something new and what must certainly be better and more effective. Yet, as I lay on my bed doing one of the exercises that Dr. Chopra suggests, the awarness did come into my mind that what I was doing was similar to the "I love you. I'm sorry. Please forgive me. Thank you." of ho'oponopono.
As you breathe in and simply the intention to reconnect with your physical body and live, love and enjoy more holistically (including your whole self in your experiences) are basically declaring to the ALL that you love yourself enough to do this for yourself. As you continue to breathe in with the intent of the exhale releasing any stuck and discordant (not in harmony with divine love) energy while saying your are sorry to yourself for believing you are anything less than the truth of who you are...and as the "please forgive me?" is asked and love answers by bringing into play its cleaning solvent power which allows you to release this discordant energy and as you exhale you release this energy from your being, which Divine Love immediately replaces with divine love energy. While the whole process can last mere seconds, it can feel as if you've left behind 10 pounds of discordant weight you've been carrying in your physical body. And so the words "thank you" easily come to mind.
So, it's interesting how I can seemingly forget about ho'oponopono and then come back to its simplicity.
I also got a kick out of seeing one of the books at Barnes and Noble...the new one by Sherri Shepard, titled Permission Slips. It didn't make me necessarily want to read it...just that it is amazing what can happen when we give ourselves permission to decide and allow the answers to come.
I also love how it seems I am more aware how this process is helping me expand my definitions of what something included in meaning or how something needs to look. I had an example, but it has slipped away. I will simply then sign off now content to have reminded myself of this awareness.
I love you. Thank you.
allows love to be the only motivation for life.
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