So today would have been my dad's 76th birthday. Happy Birthday, Dad. Thank you for the blessings you helped my soul experience. I hope wherever you are in your soul's journey it is filled with love and blessings. My dad passed over ten years ago.
So, if you are reading this, where's day 1 through day 6? I had already set up a google account for blog spot under a business my son and I share, What's a so called spirituality fanatic doing with a business that more or less promotes beer? That's another story. And the real gist of our business is we sell beer steins and promote beer as a way to chill...not to get drunk. And the stein as a way of enjoying your sudsy beverage in a way that makes you feel rich as you drink whatever beer you enjoy. As a way to celebrate and toast to the good life.
Since the account is in my name, when I decided to do this blog Google wouldn't let me cancel this account to set up another. And try as I might to get them to and/or figure out how to add the blog I started be part of this account...I couldn't figure it out.
This seemed a great compromise since I was only five days into the old one and everything I've written I have also posted to my CCOR (co-creators of reality) page.
After today, this blog and my CCOR page will track again. Whoo hoo!
If you are interested in my CCOR page, you can click
If you are interested in the CCOR page for the 100 day open-heart challenge, click
Today, I was excited to see that Dr. Joe Vitale's book Attract Money Now is available to download in digital form for reading. If you would like to get your own copy, click
I read it. I loved it. And yet, to be honest, I was a little sad by it 'cuz he includes everything I've been feeling and sensing as truth but didn't have the confidence to write myself. And there is a part of me that feels like why try? Why reinvent the wheel when he has expressed it so wonderfully. And it sort of makes me rethink what it is I feel like I have been going for with the business I wished to start. And so there is some sadness.
And yet, part of me feels like in as much as it has derailed me a little, I still feel committed to living more from my heart. And that what Dr. Joe Vitale describes as Dr. Hew Len's philosophy of life where you actually get to the point of not even needing intention (except that I still must have to have the attention to follow what Dr. Hew Len teaches, eh?) is such an open heart place.
Also, as I was writing stuff (if I read a how-to type book, I like to write out things that sort of shout-out to me as something I want to remember from the book as a way of reinforcing the teaching), it occurred to me that while my time reading the book and spreading the word is well-spent, I am still in love with the whole ho'oponopono concept and how it applies to living with an open-heart.
Dr. Hew Len basically puts it out there that in every moment I should be silently saying the 10 ho'oponopono words (I'm sorry. Please forgive me. Thank you. I love you.) to myself and to the divine. This tracks with my intention to be 100% impeccable. And to be more like God consciousness in the sense that Dr. Hew Len doesn't limit what I see as divine as being simply other humans. It's all divine. It's all energy.
What occurred to me in the context with the Law of Attraction is that if in evey moment I simply practice as Dr. Hew Len describes and continue to repeat (or as much of every moment as I am able and think of it consciously until I get to every moment) the 10 words, well, when is the point of attraction? Right. The point of attraction is in the point of attention, which is in the present moment.
It stands to reason then that if in every moment I am continually reciting the 10 words (and maybe, I cheat a little, but don't think it can hurt 'cuz I like to repeat what Brad Yates says in his ho'oponopono video and you can see a lot of this and more if you, click
here) and pepper in the "Thank you for the blessings I have. Thank you for the blessings I am receiving" then in every moment I am vibing more and more in harmony with divine love.
And as I vibe more in harmony with divine love, then what could there be to fear. What must show up...what I must then start attracting on a moment to moment basis is only going to be more and more in harmony with divine love. Sometimes I like to misspell harmony and spell it har-money, as harmony with the divine is harmony with all aspects of well-being, which include health, wealth, beauty, love, joy, peace, etc.
I mentioned too, that ho'oponopono is simple. It's easy to remember. It almost makes it easier to have me be told to just do it all the time 'cuz then I don't have to remember when to do it and when not to do it. And here's what seems like it will be the other benefit: it helps me let go of resistance. It is helping me let go of deciding if what is showing up is something I should like or not, instead it simply frees me to love it and then say next. Or as the prayer implies. By repeating it, it frees me up to either forgive myself for whatever was in my consciousness that I attracted it into my awareness. Then I appreciate it and love it and bless it and send it on its way for the next best, more in alignment with divine love and well-being experience to show up.
And I have to say that this sort of thing has opened the door for me to love a seeming virus threat and love it out of my life. And it opened the door from unexpected cash to start flowing in from places I so didn't expect.
Okay, so all in all, the book was worthy of the read. I would recommend it. And how can you go wrong with such wonderful information shared freely and requiring only an investment of your time.
It's going to be exciting to see how my life is different at the end of the 100 days. On day 83 I will turn 50 in earth years. I've always had a feeling I would live past 100 physical years in this lifetime and in a fabulous and fit and full of well-being way. This could be an awesome way to herald in the second half of this glorious incarnation.
And so it is.
P.S. Brad Yates has a wonderful (at least in my opinion) program he did in conjunction with Dr. Joe Vitale that incorporates EFT, called Money Beyond Belief. Probably the best $49 investment I've made in a long time. One of the things included in the program is a short audio to tap on embracing change. Had I known at how helpful just this short audio would be, well... If you are interested in finding out more about this program, please click