This morning, despite being happily awakened by a phone call from my oldest son, well...let's just say I don't jump right out of bed feeling thrilled that anything great is going to happen today or...well...I'm not sure of the words to say.
Yesterday, I took a break from being on the computer. I had some wonderful moments, like filming the wonderful water show going on in my front yard. Children amaze me. It's been hot in our area (hotter than enough for air conditioning). And while the kids weren't at a five star resort or at the beach or what most would have to feel is the place they need to be in order to feel like it is worthy of them, etc., these kids were having so much fun. There were many screams of delight. I can only assume that in their minds none of that mattered...only the pleasure and joy of the moment.
Anyway, what I didn't even intend to write the above paragraph. Interesting. What I felt inspired to write about today was how I can be. Getting an insight into my knee-jerk ways. I was on such a high Thursday feeling how great an idea I had been inspired and entrusted with. And then yesterday and even this morning before I faced my computer (I know it sounds funny as I write it) expecting there would be someone, somewhere who would ridicule me for having such an idea. And as I write that, I can see how sad if something like that runs me. For I'm sure every idea must have those who will ridicule it or tell you it's stupid or whatever. So one can see why I was in not the best, most aligned with divine love well-being place this morning.
So, I made the coffee and I gingerly powered up my laptop. First thing I do is check my msn email, which is pretty much dedicated to the daily messages from the universe, They only come Monday through Friday, but I didn't see yesterdays. And I have to send out love and appreciation to Mike Dooley because Friday's message put me right back into love.
Remember, I'm on an open heart challenge. How much can I come from my open heart and love in each moment during these 100 days?
As I went through my sort of routine (although I am not a fan of routines and I do try to change it up), not one word of ridicule. And my mind started getting into peace and thinking more about my idea and if it truly came as inspiration, then it is a divine and sacred idea. It is important for me to remember that for starters.
And then I started to think about what our world might be like it I asked for help to spread the word and everyone had some sort of web presence that had a donate button on it. And everyone practiced giving 10% of the wealth that flows to them...just those who when asking their heart they felt inspired them that day. And they were able to do so because everyone had a donate button they could access. And as this progressed, maybe the donate button actually became the choice of having a "gift" button or inspired giving button or something like that. And that with the inspired giving button PayPal included the software so that the source of the gift was left anonymous to help ensure the gift was given from the heart with no expectation.
I started thinking about the well-being this would enhance in our globe...amping this vibration. And the well-being it added to our global fiscal fitness because it would encourage wealth circulation from a place of love and peace and giving...some of the highest vibrations definitely in harmony with love, an open heart and well-being.
That in truth, I should feel such immense from my open heart appreciation for being entrusted with such a divinely inspired, global enhancing idea. Even more importantly, I should feel humbled because I need the help of spreading the word and participation from others, etc., in order for the "big vision" to become manifest.
In closing, what I am really doing is asking for help. I am asking for those who read this to visit I am asking for those who read this to participate in the currency cleanse on 090909. I am asking for those who read this to check out the currency cleanse page and the appreciation and giving page. I am asking for help spreading this message. I am asking the universe to help me attract those who can help make this divine idea a manifested reality. You never know how the web of who knows who can help get the word into the hands of those who can help.
I thank the divine for entrusting me with this idea. Somehow, I figure I may not be the only one. And I thank all of you...anyone and everyone who was giving enough to help me spread the word or do whatever they feel motivated to do to help this vision manifest.
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1 month ago
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