Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Day 76, Happy Tiara Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Sunday night before going to sleep, 1. I have been asking to be revealed my "highest potential", which I was inspired by a video from the gal who owns the web real estate, http://www.soaringhighwitheagles.com to ask, and 2. I also asked Lakshmi to answer a question for me.  

Here's one of the awesome things I've been enjoying about this 100 day "odd-I-see" (odyssey): the ability to be open to receiving answers in ways I may not have expected them to be revealed.

Monday morning my man and I were watching a Colbert Report repeat with Brian Cox.

You know Dr. Colbert (if you watch) is usually helping someone pimp their latest book and give their book what is now known as the Colbert bump.  Worked on me.

Here's the book:

Dr. Colbert also did this schtick where his now self was playing with a fork in a toaster, (which we all no is a fatal no-no) when his 500 years in the future self shows up and quickly takes over for the dying present day Dr. Colbert to ensure the 500 years in the future Colbert will still exist.  And it got me thinking.

How much of what we do, say, think, feel motivates ourselves or keeps ourselves from doing something; because we are afraid what it will mean to our future self?

When if the truth is that ultimately our future self is our Higher (dare I say "highest"?) Self and we are technically eternal and undestructable (at least our soul); then what is there to fear about our future self by what we do in the present moment except that this is the way we have set it up for ourselves by misguided thoughts, beliefs and feelings?

What if we knew we could not harm ourself EVER?  What if we knew that nothing about us could ever mean we could be or ever are separate from love?  I mean isn't that what a lot of our fear stems from and a lot of our motivation too?  We are afraid if we don't do x, y or z that we will be unlovable and shunned, so we do x, y or z even if we don't really want to.

Love is who we are.  It is the very definition of the very essence of energy that makes up who we are.  And that energy is divine.  It must be, if everything is divine.

So if you knew all of this and you operated from this place, wouldn't this take a huge burden from you of worrying that some how, some way, some thing you do or say or feel or think could make you unlovable?  Or that you had nothing to fear about who you will be as your future self because you know you are eternal and divine?

Wouldn't this free you up and a lot of your stuck energy?  Wouldn't you feel much lighter and a lot less worried about "stuff" and/or yourself?

I'm not going to suppose to answer those questions for you.  All I can say is that I didn't realize how much I had been projecting fear into my future self and in the process effecting what I would or would not allow myself to enjoy in the present moment.  And this realization, especially knowing I don't have to do this anymore, sure made my day.

I feel lighter and like I opened the door to my heart that much more for love to flow through in a much bigger way.  I feel like that deserves a big "whoo hoo"!

Whoo hoo!

Also, thanks to Lakshmi, the Universe, Stephen Colbert, Brian Cox and my man for playing a role in bringing me this awesome answer.

Whoo hoo!

Sunday, November 1, 2009

Day 74, Happy All Saints Day, Sunday, November 1, 2009

I've Never Felt So Ugly!

One of my niece's really had me going as her and her sisters broadcasted via Facebook how sexy she was looking in her Halloween costume and how she was going to drive all the men at work wild, etc.  Only later to find via picture and comment she'd dressed up like Ugly Betty proclaiming, "I've never felt so ugly!"

Now maybe she really didn't feel ugly and it was simply a play on words since she'd dressed up as Ugly Betty.  Yet, my mind went to a place where it thought about how technically in the eyes of divine love we are beautiful unconditionally.  You know?  Without condition.  This means always and forever no matter how we may convince ourself we look ugly, Divine Love says truth is, "it just ain't so!"

So in a way it is as if ugly doesn't exist in divine mind since divine mind doesn't judge degrees of beauty or beautiful/ugly.  All is simply, equally, non-judged beautiful.

With this in mind I thought about how in a way it is almost as if the costume she donned had magical powers by affording it the ability to somehow change her from her beautiful self into something that is ugly.

It made me think do I really want to give something outside of myself that much power.  I know I have in the past.  I probably will again in the future.  What I hope is that if I find myself doing so in the future that I won't give into the power for long before I remember this Ugly Betty moment.

I believe it was Madonna during her Vogue period who sang, "Beauty is where you find it."  Well, this is me during the Ugly Betty period proclaiming in every Ugly Betty is the heart, mind and truth that she's really Beautiful Betty if she has the vision to see this is her truth.

Now that's divine!

Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Day 69, Tiara Tuesday, October 27, 2009

I must, must, must mention how great of a day for me (one of the best of my life so far) last Saturday, October 24th was.  I must give my Aunt Loretta most of the credit.  That foxy redhead.  Words can't even express.  The feelings are anchored in my heart.  And I must thank myself, her, everyone who was involved and all the love energy that came together (including my own...people we must remember if we aren't able to let love in and feel love and share love because we are keeping our hearts closed...things like this can't by Universal Law happen for us) I'm sure because I purposely have put it out to the Universe by participating in the 100-day open-heart challenge.

Okay, I'll say this.  My Aunt still may have had the party for me she did.  Everyone may still have shown up like they did.  However, since I technically only have control over me...I believe I would not have allowed myself to enjoy it as much as I did had I not been preparing myself to give and receive love more easily with this challenge.

Okay, thanks for reading this.  Now I feel like I have a couple of gifts that I desire to share with you that may help anyone who reads this with keeping their heart more open and able to give and receive love at a grander level than ever before.


I love these two Brad Yates videos.  Before seeing them, I had a time a bit ago where I realized that I was doing exactly what he mentions: withholding love from my body and myself because I wasn't yet what I felt I want to be.

While the above video is about having the sort of can't love my body until, the one below that Brad Yates did is about understanding regardless of what commercials or collective consciousness, etc., would like us to believe we have to believe is how we should determine our self-worth...our value is already guaranteed because we are divine and eternal.  Thank you so much Brad.

I also have an amazing friend, Emmanuel Dagher, who is an amazing heart full of love and has lots of things he has put out into the universe to help us remember how loved we are.  The below is what he calls his minute of transformation.  Here is the link to one of them.


To learn more about the powerful healing work you are receiving please visit


Emmanuel Dagher

Then there is Rebecca Marina.  The audio from the Lakshmi transmission she mentions in the following video is the one that rocked my world.

Be like a newborn baby and recieve and grow stronger.

If I could give you any suggestion about the Lakshmi audio, it would be to find a way to download it to something that allows you to listen to it while being in as relaxed a position as possible.

Wow!  And as I am writing all of this it almost makes me feel like I wish it was Thankful Thursday since I am realizing how many ways I am gifted love via all of these gifts I am sharing here.  I think one of the greatest gifts I am receiving from my 100 day challenge is how I am expanding my definition of what love is or what a gift is or how loved and blessed I am.  That I feel I had a huge belief that the one and only barameter of whether or not I am valuable or loved or worthy or anything like that is how much money I have.  While I would love more money, I can see that if that is all I focused on I would think I don't have a very great life.  And that would so not be true.  I am so grateful.

I know the last thing I want to share is tut.com is pretty well known in the spiritual circles.  Still, this particular letter from the Universe really inspires me.  So that is why I am sharing.  Enjoy!

I do believe, Lori, that if people would just start by saying "it's fun," when it seems hard; "I'm happy," when they seem sad; and "I know," when it seems as if they don't, they'd finally discover that it really is, they really are, and they always have.
Works for me,
    The Universe

Thursday, October 22, 2009

Day 64, Thursday, October 22, 2009

So...I had been feeling like I wasn't going to sign up for the below, which is a generous gift from Rebecca Marina and Lakshmi, as a way of saying to myself that I don't need it.  Yet, it had been nagging at me that I should just in case.

Then today, I was thinking if Lakshmi has a gift for me then I should very much want to receive it.  So, I decided to register.  

Here's what I think the good part is that made me desire to post this blog.

How many other gifts might I be keeping from me for whatever reason, one of which is feeling like I don't need it?  When did a gift become about need.  And I have been trying to be the voice of reminding my brother and sister children of Divine Love that giving and receiving are just as important...since one really can't give without their being another to receive.  As I've mentioned what if we were simply a world of givers.  There'd be no one willing to receive our gifts and then what's the point?

So, thank you to that wise part of myself that reminded me of this.  And Rebecca has asked for me to pass this info on in case there are any who read this that would like to participate.

#2. Goddess Lakshmi Live Energy Transmission

If you have not registered for the no-cost
Live Energy transmission from The Goddess Lakshmi,
please do so.
I am teaching this twice to allow more
people to join us.

This is the closest thing to helping you
“lay back and receive”
that I have ever
been guided to do.

Come and get your prosperity Blessings from
the Divine Mother and Lakshmi who is the
specialist in Abundance.

Oct 20 at 9 eastern
Oct. 24 at 4 Pm eastern
Read more…

Thank you, Lori, for being the
love that you are,
Blessings, Rebecca
PS_ Lori, if you have friends
who would enjoy this info- pleae pass
this along.

Monday, October 19, 2009

Day 61, Monday, October 19, 2009

So 25 years ago in a hospital in Fargo, North Dakota at approximately 6 AM, yours truly was admitted so I could birth my second son, Chris.  I didn't know he was going to be a boy.  My obstetrician said it was going to be a girl from the way I was carrying it.  My ex-hubby and I only had girl names picked out.  And so my wonderful son was born with no name except "Baby Boy Bjork".

I could have never guessed what our lives would be like 25 years later.  He is happy and healthy and in a way what more could I ask for. 

You may hear it a lot, but children tend to open your heart to a form of unconditional love that you never thought you would experience or could experience.  Both of my sons certainly were and are that for me. 

I will always be so appreciative to both of them for that.  What seems to be my challenge is loving me in that same sort of unconditional way I love them.  I celebrate any of their joys or creations as if they are the greatest thing since slice bread.  I always think they are cool and have great insights about life.  I always think they are beautiful and awesome and lovable.  Now if I can just do that for me.  And with this challenge I've been on since August 20th, I am.

And I have given myself a new 100 day challenge I started two days ago, October 16th.  It is to use the info from Dr. Chopra's book to transform and love my physical body more and incorporate it more into my flowing and glowing well-being life.

So, Happy Birthday to my son.  I love him very much.  And whoo hoo to me.

Friday, October 16, 2009

Day 58, Friday, October 16, 2009

How's this for synchro-destiny?  I've been hungrily reading Deepak Chopra's new book, Reinventing the Body, Resurrecting the Soul.  I've noticed lately that what seems to be unfolding in my life and questions I am asking are coming up at the same time I find Dr. Chopra is about to finish and publish a new book that answers my questions.  As for me and my physical body, this is perfect for me right now.  I feel a new personal challenge going on to practice what he teaches in his new book for the next 50 days.

At the same time just ten minutes before I found it on Facebook is Lilou's YouTube conversation with Dr. Chopra about the book.  Loved it!

You know what though?  It made me cry.  Cry because I find that I love myself enough to want to heal my stuck energy.  And cry because I have so much stuck energy in my body I've been carrying that I really didn't either want to be aware of or for whatever reason and it was like with this book I have given myself the permission to let it go.  Permission to be less hard on myself.  Permission to stop competing with the outer and understanding that it is really just me competing with something I can never win 'cuz I'll always change the bar or what the barometer is for winning.

Writing a blog called flowing and glowing well-being, I find reference in this book to following what he so eloquently shares I just know will surely enhance the flowing of well-being and my glowing with well-being in my life.  I am so grateful.

I also found it interesting how I am seeing so clearly the power of a decision.  For now I am going to leave it at that.

Okay, as I read over what I've written to this point just to make sure it doesn't sound too wacky, it occurred to me that I started the 100-day challenge with the same sort of excitement having just learned about ho'oponopono.  And I think the thing that can be frustrating about energy work is that we may not be able to immediately "see" in our physical experience how something might actually be beneficial for us.  So, (okay, I'll speak for myself) I tend to abandon it and move to something new and what must certainly be better and more effective.  Yet, as I lay on my bed doing one of the exercises that Dr. Chopra suggests, the awarness did come into my mind that what I was doing was similar to the "I love you. I'm sorry.  Please forgive me. Thank you." of ho'oponopono.

As you breathe in and simply the intention to reconnect with your physical body and live, love and enjoy more holistically (including your whole self in your experiences)...you are basically declaring to the ALL that you love yourself enough to do this for yourself.  As you continue to breathe in with the intent of the exhale releasing any stuck and discordant (not in harmony with divine love) energy while saying your are sorry to yourself for believing you are anything less than the truth of who you are...and as the "please forgive me?" is asked and love answers by bringing into play its cleaning solvent power which allows you to release this discordant energy and as you exhale you release this energy from your being, which Divine Love immediately replaces with divine love energy.  While the whole process can last mere seconds, it can feel as if you've left behind 10 pounds of discordant weight you've been carrying in your physical body.  And so the words "thank you" easily come to mind.

So, it's interesting how I can seemingly forget about ho'oponopono and then come back to its simplicity. 

I also got a kick out of seeing one of the books at Barnes and Noble...the new one by Sherri Shepard, titled Permission Slips.  It didn't make me necessarily want to read it...just that it is amazing what can happen when we give ourselves permission to decide and allow the answers to come.

I also love how it seems I am more aware how this process is helping me expand my definitions of what something included in meaning or how something needs to look.  I had an example, but it has slipped away.  I will simply then sign off now content to have reminded myself of this awareness. 

I love you.  Thank you.

allows love to be the only motivation for life.

Thursday, October 15, 2009

Day 57, Thankful Thursday, October 15, 2009

Aaaaaahhhhhh! It's another Thankful Thursday.  I certainly have a lot to be thankful for.  I have finally picked something I feel good about as a profession.  And I am trusting the universe and the advice from what I posted yesterday from Abraham to get me to my destination in first class fast.

I also feel like I just can't say it enough how much the 100 day challenge has helped to keep me focused on the importance of gaining more and more self love and helping me see how much I really hadn't been loving myself.  Thank you.

Now let's play.